A dotnet hosting library for chakracore (javascript) engine to provide scripting capability to dotnet applications. The primary target is make it easy to learn and use.
This library is build with NetStandard 1.4 and Chakracore 1.4.1
Support following platform:
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
- UWP (windows 10 , Windows 10 IoT , Windows 10 Mobile)
- Net Core 1.0
- Mono/Xamarin
As DotnetCore and Chakracore 1.4.1 supports cross platform, idealy you can use this library at any OS which supported by these 2 libraries. This library is created and tested on windows 10 platform. If you're using it on other platform than Windows 10, feel free to send me a feed back.
- Transfer dotnet class instance to a proxy object in javascript
- Transfer dotnet structure to a javascript value
- Build-in value converters support String,int,double,single,bool,byte,decimal,Guid
Samples are still under development, suggest read the unit test code for a start by now. here's some simple code which demostrates the basic usage of the library
Setup runtime and context, then run a script
ChakraRuntime runtime=ChakraRuntime.Create();
ChakraContext context=runtime.CreateContext(true);
context.RunScript("var a=1;");
write 1 to variable a
context.GlobalObject.WriteProperty<int>("a", 1); //js: var a=1;
read variable a
int value=context.GlobalObject.ReadProperty<T>("a"); //js: return a;
call js function
context.RunScript("function add(v){return v+1}"); //run the script to create function add
var b=context.GlobalObject.CallFunction<int, int>("add", 1); //js: return add([value]);
expose function
public int Add(int value)
return value + 1;
context.GlobalObject.Binding.SetFunction<int,int>("add", Add); //js: function add(v){[native code]}
call js function with callback
public void echo(string s)
context.RunScript("function test(callback){callback('hello world')})"); //init js function
context.ServiceNode.GetService<IJSValueConverterService>().RegisterMethodConverter<string>(); //regiser callback method type
context.GlobalObject.CallMethod<Action<string>>("test", echo); //js: test([native function]);
map a dotnet object instance to js
public class DebugEcho
public void Echo(String s)
context.ServiceNode.GetService<IJSValueConverterService>().RegisterProxyConverter<DebugEcho>( //register the object converter
(binding, instance, serviceNode) =>
binding.SetMethod<string>("echo",instance.Echo); //js: [object].echo=function(s){[native code]}
DebugEcho obj = new DebugEcho();
context.GlobalObject.WriteProperty<DebugEcho>("debugEcho", obj); //js: var debugEcho=[native object]