This repository contains an experimental implementation of the GraphQL multipart request spec based on ASP.NET Core.
You can install the latest version via NuGet.
PM> Install-Package GraphQL.Upload.AspNetCore
Preview versions from the develop branch are available via GitHub Packages.
Register the middleware in your Startup.cs.
This middleware implementation only parses multipart requests. That's why we're using additional middleware (graphql-dotnet/server) to handle other request types.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
Register a FormFileConverter
within your MySchema.cs.
public class MySchema : Schema
public MySchema()
Query = new Query();
Mutation = new Mutation();
RegisterValueConverter(new FormFileConverter());
Use the upload scalar in your resolvers. Files are exposed as IFormFile
arguments: new QueryArguments(
new QueryArgument<UploadGraphType> { Name = "file" }),
resolve: context =>
var file = context.GetArgument<IFormFile>("file");
return file.FileName;
Take a look at the tests and the sample and run some of the cURL requests the spec lists if you are curious.
curl localhost:54234/graphql ^
-F operations="{ \"query\": \"mutation ($file: Upload!) { singleUpload(file: $file) { name } }\", \"variables\": { \"file\": null } }" ^
-F map="{ \"0\": [\"variables.file\"] }" ^
-F [email protected]
curl localhost:54234/graphql \
-F operations='{ "query": "mutation ($file: Upload!) { singleUpload(file: $file) { name } }", "variables": { "file": null } }' \
-F map='{ "0": ["variables.file"] }' \
-F [email protected]