This is a chrome extension that supports parsing articles on GitHub and generating a sidebar directory for indexing of article titles.
这是一款 chrome 扩展,支持对 GitHub 上的文章进行解析,生成侧边栏文章标题目录。为 GitHub 而生的,文章标题目录索引扩展。
like the rendering graphics below, this must make you very excited !
Currently available on the Chrome Market, click on the link to install : Chrome Extension:GitHub-Markdown-TOC
Support browser: chrome browser, can also run in all chrome kernel browsers
目前已在 Chrome 市场上架,点击链接前往安装 Chrome Extension:GitHub-Markdown-TOC
支持浏览器:chrome浏览器,还可以运行在所有 webkit 内核的国产浏览器,比如 360 极速浏览器、360 安全浏览器、搜狗浏览器、QQ 浏览器等等
Leave your experience feeling below
This is a partner of open source contributions, and interested friends are welcome to join the open source team. You can contact me by email, [email protected]
这是开源贡献的小伙伴们,欢迎感兴趣朋友加入开源小组。可以通过邮箱联系我,[email protected]
- 2018-12-04 : version 0.0.1
- features
- software is born
- features
- 2018-12-08 : version 0.0.2
- features
- 侧边栏显示,不遮挡正文内容
- 拖动自适应效果
- features
- 2018-12-25
- chrome 市场上架