A realtime CPU/GPU profiler hosted in a single C file with a viewer that runs in a web browser.
Supported features:
- Lightweight instrumentation of multiple threads running on the CPU.
- Web viewer that runs in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Custom WebSockets server transmits sample data to the browser on a latent thread.
- Profiles itself and shows how it's performing in the viewer.
- Can optionally sample CUDA GPU activity.
- Console output for logging text.
Windows (MSVC) - add lib/Remotery.c and lib/Remotery.h to your program. Set include directories to add Remotery/lib path. The required library ws2_32.lib should be picked up through the use of the #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") directive in Remotery.c.
Mac OS X (XCode) - simply add lib/Remotery.c and lib/Remotery.h to your program.
Linux (GCC) - add the source in lib folder. Compilation of the code requires -pthreads for library linkage. For example to compile the same run: cc lib/Remotery.c sample/sample.c -I lib -pthread -lm
You can define some extra macros to modify what features are compiled into Remotery:
Macro Default Description
RMT_ENABLED <defined> Disable this to not include any bits of Remotery in your build
RMT_USE_TINYCRT <not defined> Used by the Celtoys TinyCRT library (not released yet)
RMT_USE_CUDA <not defined> Assuming CUDA headers/libs are setup, allow CUDA profiling
See the sample directory for further examples. A quick example:
int main()
// Create the main instance of Remotery.
// You need only do this once per program.
Remotery* rmt;
// Explicit begin/end for C
rmt_LogText("Time me, please!");
// Scoped begin/end for C++
rmt_LogText("Time me, too!");
// Destroy the main instance of Remotery.
Double-click or launch vis/index.html
from the browser.
Remotery allows for profiling multiple threads of CUDA execution using different asynchronous streams that must all share the same context. After initialising both Remotery and CUDA you need to bind the two together using the call:
rmtCUDABind bind;
bind.context = m_Context;
bind.CtxSetCurrent = &cuCtxSetCurrent;
bind.CtxGetCurrent = &cuCtxGetCurrent;
bind.EventCreate = &cuEventCreate;
bind.EventDestroy = &cuEventDestroy;
bind.EventRecord = &cuEventRecord;
bind.EventQuery = &cuEventQuery;
bind.EventElapsedTime = &cuEventElapsedTime;
Explicitly pointing to the CUDA interface allows Remotery to be included anywhere in your project without need for you to link with the required CUDA libraries. After the bind completes you can safely sample any CUDA activity:
CUstream stream;
// Explicit begin/end for C
rmt_BeginCUDASample(UnscopedSample, stream);
// ... CUDA code ...
// Scoped begin/end for C++
rmt_ScopedCUDASample(ScopedSample, stream);
// ... CUDA code ...
Remotery supports only one context for all threads and will use cuCtxGetCurrent and cuCtxSetCurrent to ensure the current thread has the context you specify in rmtCUDABind.context.