The Fuse.Billing.Android
library makes it possible to receive payments through Google Play.
The library is partially based on source code from the TrivialDrive example from Google.
Before writing any code it's a good idea to get familiar with the features and limitations of the In-app billing API by skimming through the official documentation for In-app billing. on Android.
To use this package we have to start by cloning the
repository. And then inside the Projects
section of your .unoproj
file add a reference to
"Projects": ["../../Fuse.Billing.Android/src/Fuse.Billing.Android/Fuse.Billing.Android.unoproj"]
Now we need to require the FuseJS/Billing/Android
However, before using the API we'll have to call the setup
function of the module, which will return a promise that
will be resolved when the API is ready for use.
var InAppBilling = require("FuseJS/Billing/Android");
InAppBilling.setup("insert your app's public key here")
.then(function() {
console.log("Setup completed");
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Setup failed");
The setup
function takes the public key for your application, found in the Google Play Developer Console.
One-time item purchases:
- Start purchase of itemqueryProductPurchases
- Query currently purchased items for the active Google Play userqueryProductDetails
- Query details for products, given a list of skusconsume
- Consume a purchased item
Subscription items:
- Query currently active subscription for Google play usersubscribe
- Start purchase of new subscription
The API is asynchronous, and all of the functions returns a promise.
For now complete reference documentation for the API can found in the comments of Proper generated documentation will become available at some later point.
It is possible to test one-time purchases before publishing your app, by making use of certain special SKU codes that returns static predefined responses.
However, for testing subscription purchases publishing is mandatory.
For more information on how to do testing see Testing In-app Billing from the official documentation.
There is a test application available in src/Fuse.Billing.Android.Example.
This app got two pages:
- Subscriptions.ux: For testing subscriptions, requires publishing to Play
- MockedTests.ux: Single app purchases using static responses
- Info about static responses can be found here
You can alternate between the pages by dragging sideways. Note that zero effort has been used on esthetiques here.
This sample can't be run as-is. You have to create your own application instance in the Developer Console and modify this sample to point to it. Here is what you must do:
This setup guide is based on the corresponding guide for the originial "TrivialDrive" example from Google, and adapted for use with included example.
Create an application on the Developer Console, available at
Copy the application's public key (a base-64 string). You can find this in the "Services & APIs" section under "Licensing & In-App Billing".
Open main.js, find the declaration of base64EncodedPublicKey and replace the placeholder value with the public key you retrieved in Step 2.
Change the sample's package name to your package name. To do that, update the package name in .unoproj file.
Export an APK, signing it with your PRODUCTION (not debug) developer certificate.
Upload your APK to Google Play for Alpha Testing.
Make sure to add your test account (the one you will use to test purchases) to the "testers" section of your app. Your test account CANNOT BE THE SAME AS THE PUBLISHER ACCOUNT. If it is, your purchases won't go through.
Under In-app Products, create MANAGED in-app items with these IDs: premium, gas Set their prices to 1 dollar. You can choose a different price if you like.
Under In-app Products, create SUBSCRIPTION items with these IDs: infinite_gas_monthly, infinite_gas_yearly Set their prices to 1 dollar and the billing recurrence to monthly for
and yearly forinfinite_gas_yearly
. To prevent being charged while testing, set the trial period to 7 days. -
Publish your APK to the Alpha channel. Wait 2-3 hours for Google Play to process the APK If you don't wait for Google Play to process the APK, you might see errors where Google Play says that "this version of the application is not enabled for in-app billing" or something similar. Ensure that the In-App products move to the "Active" state within the console before testing.
- Install the APK signed with your PRODUCTION certificate, to a test device.
- Run the app.
- Make purchases using the test account you added in Step 7.
Remember to refund any real purchases you make, if you don't want the charges to actually to through. Remember, you can use the tester functionality within the Google Play console to define test Google Accounts that won't be charged. When using the tester functionality make sure to look for "Test" language appended to each receipt. If you don't see "Test" then you will need to be sure to refund/cancel the charge.
It will be easier to use a test device that doesn't have your developer account logged in; this is because, if you attempt to purchase an in-app item using the same account that you used to publish the app, the purchase will not go through.
Copyright 2016 Fusetools AS
Licensed under the Apache License,version 2.0.
This software contains modified code from the TrivialDrive example by Google, which is also licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The original source code can be obtained at: