This is a simple library for querying your device's media library.
Right now only querying for Music (Artists/Albums/Tracks) is supported. But it's a trivial to add more and to broaden what we already have.
To use this in your app you first add a reference to it from your unoproj
file. For an example see Examples/Basics/MediaQueryBasics.unoproj
Next you require
it from your javascript code.
var MediaQuery = require("FuseJS/MediaQuery");
And now you are ready to go.
The album
object looks like this:
"name": "someAlbumName",
"artist": "someArtistName"
By passing an 'incomplete' album object to the albums
method you will be given a promise of album objects with the missing details filled. That sounds a bit odd right? This is how it looks like in practice:
MediaQuery.albums({"artist": "Alan Gogoll"}).then(function(albumArray) { .. });
Notice that by only supplying "artist"
will return all the albums by 'Alan Gogoll'.
Now for the converse:
MediaQuery.albums({"album": "Moon"}).then(function(albumArray) { .. });
This will return all the albums named 'Moon' along with the names of the artists who made them.
A track object looks like this:
"title": "someTrackName",
"album": "someAlbumName",
"artist": "someArtistName"
"path": "theFileSystemPathToTheFile"
"duration": 0.0 // length of track in seconds
And we query for tracks using the tracks
MediaQuery.tracks({}).then(function(tracksArray) { .. });
This will give you an array containing every track in your library.
MediaQuery.tracks({"artist": "Alan Gogoll"}).then(function(tracksArray) { .. });
MediaQuery.tracks({"artist": "Eric Bibb", "album":"Booker's Guitar"}).then(function(tracksArray) { .. });
As before if we want to query for something we simply make a track object with the thing we want to fill in missing.
MediaQuery.tracks({album":"Booker's Guitar"}).then(function(tracksArray) { .. });
Sorry, but we don't support that. Duration would be cool, but we would want to be able to filter by a time range.
As before here is the artist object
"name": "someArtistName"
So we get an array of all artists we do this:
MediaQuery.artists({}).then(function(tracksArray) { .. });
For API consistency and because in future we want to allow searching with wildcards.
To fix this add something like the following in your unoproj:
"iOS": {
"PList": {
"NSAppleMusicUsageDescription": "Your description goes here"
Most likely those tracks are still in iCloud, we do not return these currently. Please open a ticket if you need them.
I hope you find this library useful. It's an open source project under the MIT license and pull requests are very welcome.
Please add issues for what you want added (but do check with the iOS & Android APIs to make sure it is possible!). Better yet, have a peek at the code! It's a really simple library and extending it is also simple, see here for the commit where we added duration
to track.
I'm baggers
on the Fuse Community slack so feel free to ping me if you need anything explained.