Releases: future-architect/uroborosql
Releases · future-architect/uroborosql
🐛Bugfixes release
What's Changed
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when setting null to a Date type column in SqlServer. in #347
Full Changelog: uroborosql-1.0.3...uroborosql-1.0.4
v1.0.3 🌟 Enhancements release
What's Changed
- Changed the internal field that SqlInfo has from a Path type to a URL type in #345
Full Changelog: uroborosql-1.0.2...uroborosql-1.0.3
🌟 Enhancements release
What's Changed
- Add contextAttrs api for SqlEntity in #343
Full Changelog: uroborosql-1.0.1...uroborosql-1.0.2
🐛Bugfixes release
What's Changed
- Fix SqlKind specification error in #341
Full Changelog: uroborosql-1.0.0...uroborosql-1.0.1
🎉Major version released!
uroborosql v1.0.0 Major version released.
🎁 What's Changed
- Added constructor that can specify multiple loadPath to and #270
- Java version update 8 to 11 #275
- Cleanup code. #277
- Rename Some Class Names and remove deprecated methods. #278
- change travis-ci to github actions #291
- merge v0.x changes to master #310
- add paramIfNotEmpty method #318
- refactoring api #311
- change EvnetSubscriber implementation class log level. #323
- add sqlId() api to SqlEntity interfaces. #324
- Remove entityhandler configuration API from uroboroSQL.builder interface #325
- change ossrh url #327
- Add getEventSubscribers method to get the EventSubscriber instance to pass to the removeEventSubscriber method. #326
- revert plugin versions #328
- unmanagedConnection can not use savepoint. #329
- Fixed to use Optional#orElseThrow() instead of Optional#get() #330
- Enable per-SQL-ID log suppression (#322) #332
- Moved the process of logging Repl Command when SQL is issued to EventSubscriber. #333
- Refactoring SqlResourceManager (breaking change) #335
- Fixed a bug in sqlAgent#merge, mergeAndReturn that failed to update Entity with @Version annotation. #336
- add oracle v12-23 and Mariadb 5,10 dialect #334
- revise log level. #337
- fix logger name. #338
- Expression Library priority changed. #339
Full Changelog: uroborosql-0.26.8...uroborosql-1.0.0
🐛Bugfixes release
Source diff: 0.26.7 -> 0.26.8
🐛 Bugfixes
🐛Bugfixes release
Source diff: 0.26.6 -> 0.26.7
🐛 Bugfixes
🐛Bugfixes release
Source diff: 0.26.5 -> 0.26.6
🐛 Bugfixes
- #314 Argument escaping may be performed with wrong Dialect in SF.startsWith
🐛Bugfixes release
Source diff: 0.26.4 -> 0.26.5
🐛 Bugfixes
- #313 Fixed retries can be turned off by specifying 0 in the retry method of SqlQuery/SqlUpdate/SqlBatch/Procedure
🌟 Enhancements release
Source diff: 0.26.3 -> 0.26.4
🌟 Enhancements
- #312 Add timestamp/LocalDateTime/OffsetDateTime/ZonedDateTime OptimisticLocking