OCaml library providing byte sequences of all the Unicode (v16.0) emoji characters and sequences sourced from here
$ opam install emoji
You can see them by printing to the screen:
# Emoji.troll;;
- : string = "🧌"
You can also get all emojis from the same category or subcategory:
# let best_animals = Emoji.sub_category_animal_reptile;;
val best_animals : string array =
[|"🐊"; "🐉"; "🐲"; "🦎"; "🦕"; "🐍"; "🦖"; "🐢"|]
Using ocp-browser
shows the emoji
generate emoji.ml with
$ dune exec gencode/updatelist.exe && dune exec gencode/gencode.exe > src/emoji.ml
test with
$ dune runtest