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Optimise encoding
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g-andrade committed Mar 16, 2024
1 parent bab1977 commit 5bed743
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 57 deletions.
108 changes: 51 additions & 57 deletions src/erlzord.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,11 @@

-record(encoding_direction, {
shift_start_offset :: non_neg_integer(),
shift_increment :: +1 | -1

%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Deprecated Type Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,19 +138,16 @@ config(ConfigParams) ->
encode(Vector, #erlzord_config{
dimensions = Dimensions,
min_component = MinComponent,
max_component = MaxComponent,
component_bitsize = ComponentBitsize
max_component = MaxComponent
}) ->

case Vector of
Tuple when tuple_size(Tuple) =:= Dimensions ->
List = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent,
MaxComponent, ComponentBitsize);
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent);

List when length(List) =:= Dimensions ->
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent,
MaxComponent, ComponentBitsize);
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent);

BadArg ->
error({badarg, BadArg})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,8 +197,7 @@ encode(Vector, MinComponent, MaxComponent) ->

validate_params(Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent),
ComponentBitsize = component_bitsize(MinComponent, MaxComponent),
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent, ComponentBitsize).
encode_list_(List, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent).

-spec decode_tuple(Z, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent) -> Vector
when Z :: non_neg_integer(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,68 +316,61 @@ component_bitsize(MinComponent, MaxComponent) ->
Range = MaxComponent - MinComponent,

-spec encode_list_(Vector, Dimensions, MinComponent,
MaxComponent, ComponentBitsize) -> Z
-spec encode_list_(Vector, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent) -> Z
when Vector :: list_vector(),
Dimensions :: non_neg_integer(),
MinComponent :: integer(),
MaxComponent :: integer(),
ComponentBitsize :: non_neg_integer(),
Z :: non_neg_integer().
%% @doc Encodes `Vector', a tuple or list of `Dimensions`
%% Returns a pre-validated config which `:encode/2' and `:decode/2'` can use.
encode_list_(Vector, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent, ComponentBitsize) ->
encode_list_(Vector, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent) ->
% Make values unsigned
NormalizedVector =
[validate_component(V, MinComponent, MaxComponent) - MinComponent
|| V <- Vector],
interleave(NormalizedVector, Dimensions, ComponentBitsize).
interleave(NormalizedVector, Dimensions). %, ComponentBitsize).

-spec interleave(Values, Dimensions, Bitsize) -> Interleaved
when Values :: list_vector(),
Dimensions :: non_neg_integer(),
Bitsize :: non_neg_integer(),
Interleaved :: non_neg_integer().
interleave(Values, Dimensions, Bitsize) ->
interleave_recur(Values, Dimensions, Bitsize, Bitsize, 0).
interleave(Values, Dimensions) ->
Direction = #encoding_direction{shift_start_offset = 0, shift_increment = +1},
= #encoding_direction{shift_start_offset = Dimensions - 1, shift_increment = -1},

-spec interleave_recur(Values, Dimensions, TotalBitsize, BitIndex, Acc) -> Interleaved
when Values :: list_vector(),
Dimensions :: non_neg_integer(),
TotalBitsize :: non_neg_integer(),
BitIndex :: non_neg_integer(),
Acc :: non_neg_integer(),
Interleaved :: non_neg_integer().
interleave_recur(_Values, _Dimensions, _TotalBitsize, 0 = _BitIndex, Acc) ->
interleave_recur(Values, Dimensions, TotalBitsize, BitIndex, Acc) ->
{Conjugated, NewValues} = conjugate_values(Values),
ShiftAmount = Dimensions * (TotalBitsize - BitIndex),
ShiftedConjugated = Conjugated bsl ShiftAmount,
NewAcc = Acc bor ShiftedConjugated,
interleave_recur(NewValues, Dimensions, TotalBitsize, BitIndex - 1, NewAcc).

-spec conjugate_values(Values) -> {Conjugated, NewValues}
when Values :: [non_neg_integer()],
Conjugated :: non_neg_integer(),
NewValues :: [non_neg_integer()].
conjugate_values(Values) ->
conjugate_values_recur(Values, 0, 0, []).

-spec conjugate_values_recur(Values, DimensionIndex, AccConjugated, AccNewValues)
-> {Conjugated, NewValues}
when Values :: list_vector(),
DimensionIndex :: non_neg_integer(),
AccConjugated :: non_neg_integer(),
AccNewValues :: list_vector(),
Conjugated :: non_neg_integer(),
NewValues :: list_vector().
conjugate_values_recur([], _DimensionIndex, AccConjugated, AccNewValues) ->
{AccConjugated, lists:reverse(AccNewValues)};
conjugate_values_recur([H | T], DimensionIndex, AccConjugated, AccNewValues) ->
Bit = (H band 1) bsl DimensionIndex,
NewH = H bsr 1,
conjugate_values_recur(T, DimensionIndex + 1, Bit bor AccConjugated, [NewH | AccNewValues]).
interleave_recur(Values, Direction, AlternateDirection, Dimensions, _BitsizeAcc = 0, _Acc = 0).

interleave_recur(Values, Direction, AlternateDirection, Dimensions, BitsizeAcc, Acc) ->
ShiftStart = BitsizeAcc + Direction#encoding_direction.shift_start_offset,
ShiftIncrement = Direction#encoding_direction.shift_increment,
% io:format("INTERLEAVING AFTER ~b bits~n", [BitsizeAcc]),

case interleave_next(Values, ShiftStart, ShiftIncrement, true, [], Acc) of
{RemainingValues, UpdatedAcc} ->
UpdatedBitsizeAcc = BitsizeAcc + Dimensions,
interleave_recur(RemainingValues, AlternateDirection, Direction, Dimensions,
UpdatedBitsizeAcc, UpdatedAcc);

all_zeroes ->

interleave_next([Value | Next], Shift, ShiftIncrement, AllZeroes, RemainingValuesAcc, Acc) ->
ValueRemaining = Value bsr 1,
ValueMask = (Value band 1) bsl Shift,

UpdatedAllZeroes = AllZeroes andalso (Value =:= 0),
UpdatedRemainingValuesAcc = [ValueRemaining | RemainingValuesAcc],
UpdatedAcc = Acc bor ValueMask,

interleave_next(Next, Shift + ShiftIncrement, ShiftIncrement, UpdatedAllZeroes,
UpdatedRemainingValuesAcc, UpdatedAcc);
interleave_next([], _Shift, _ShiftIncrement, AllZeroes, RemainingValuesAcc, Acc) ->
case AllZeroes of
false ->
{RemainingValuesAcc, Acc};

true ->

-spec decode_list_(Z, Dimensions, MinComponent, MaxComponent,
Bitsize) -> Vector
Expand Down

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