An application with a graphical interface implemented as part of the IT system team project in a 3-person group, using the Scrum methodology.
BudgetBuddy is an application supporting budget management. It offers functionalities such as:
- account registration system
- adding, editing and deleting income and expenses
- notifications in the application and e-mail
- filtering and sorting expenses and income
- displaying a text summary of daily and monthly expenses
- generating charts summarizing daily and monthly expenses
- entering payment terms
- inviting a user to your budget
- setting a monthly spending limit and visualizing it on a pie chart
- downloading expenses to csv or json format
- anticipation of future expenditure by extrapolation
The application was written in Python using a PostgreSQL database. Libraries used:
- customtkinter
- matplotlib
- csv
- json
- datetime
- psycopg2
- smtplib
- pandas
Do following steps:
- Clone the repository
- In terminal type
pip install -r requirements.txt
- After installation type in terminal