Create movies using XML! [xml]
- Fork this repository
- Clone this repository
- You'll work out of this repository in your terminal
- You'll create an empty project in this repository and create
file(s) for this assignment - Push (publish) your code up and create a pull request when complete!
Imagine you are a data specialist for a movie theater. You have been asked to store the information about the movies you show in an XML file for the office manager. The file must meet particular criteria so read below for guidance on creating your data file.
- Take a look at a few Android views by text
- Check the Gitbook
- Look up XML online
- create a file called
- the parent of the file should be "movie_collection" with the prefix "collection" and the namespace ""
- the XML file must have at least 4 movie elements
- a movie must have an id attribute
- a movie must have a title and description
- a movie must have a child element called "showtimes", and it contains at least 3 showtime elements
- a movie should have 2 empty elements.