This release represents the first official GA4GH-approved version of the Workflow Execution Service (WES) API.
Major/breaking changes include:
- Renamed
path toruns
, separating out concept of a running job from a static recipe. - Refactored
POST runs/
path to accept multi-part form. - Clarified format for run and task logs (expected to be URLs).
- Clarified usage of paging for
GET runs/
). - Removed tag search path.
Other minor/maintenance changes include:
- Automated testing to verify schema validity (with Travis CI).
- Automated building of static API documentation and Swagger UI page (with Travis CI), deployment to GitHub pages; API docs include executive summary, introduction, and a statement on authentication/authorization.
- New CONTRIBUTING.md doc with instructions for developers.
- General cleanup and clarification of the API specification in
Full commit list since previous release:
(from git log --oneline
c5406f1 (HEAD -> default-master, origin/master, origin/develop, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #115 from jaeddy/default-master
7afed95 (fork/default-master) update build scripts, docs to treat 'master' as default branch
41c2607 (develop) Merge pull request #114 from ga4gh/dglazer-readme-howtoview-cleanup
51181a9 Update README.md
70568b4 Update README.md
2487f92 Merge pull request #113 from ga4gh/dglazer-readme-typos
109ca80 fix typos in "how to view" links
0702a0b Merge pull request #112 from jaeddy/ghpages-fixes
604f313 (fork/ghpages-fixes, ghpages-fixes) update README and contributing doc
beb30bf add more details to contributing docs
f69adee add note in contributing docs about travis build preview
81a36e6 remove option to preview PR pages
3f29bfb make develop primary branch in README
bdc6ff3 Merge branch 'develop' into ghpages-fixes
896df60 clean up unused build scripts and dependencies
da92f6c consolidate ghpages staging into single script - clean up travis config - fix repo url in fetch pages script - remove node script for staging swagger ui - clean up ghpages tmp folder after staging
bad1ffb add script to fetch ghpages content
6109034 apply @coverbeck's patch to build.gradle, update travis.yml
7f17931 Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
9dbba04 bump versions in python code from 0.3.0 to 1.0.0
92a5278 update links in README
48ec55a attempt to fix swagger/docs build and deploy issues - Update deploypages.js - add cross-job cache to travis config to make sure doc updates are pushed to gh-pages - try again; cache didn't work, so add separate deploy for docs - fix typo - fix docs index - update npm deps to fix vulnerability - fully separate docs and ui preview paths - fix gh-pages overwrite - switch order of 'keep_history' - retrieve gh-pages deploy with git? - fix git checkout - fix git fetch - remove hacky git attempt - roll back addition of swagger-ui build for now; keep docs build - just use branch name for preview, not PR branch
4f8de0e add travis and swagger shields to README - fix badge dimensions - fix badge alignment - fix badge dimensions (again) - fix badge dimensions (again) - fix badge dimensions again - fix swagger link in README
db04c60 (fork/develop) fix build process for swagger ui and docs
721ad26 Fixed a few more formatting typos
4ea6ff6 Merge pull request #105 from ga4gh/dglazer-doccleanup-oct02
aad92bc Merge pull request #104 from ga4gh/briandoconnor-patch-20180930
c5406f1 (HEAD -> default-master, origin/master, origin/develop, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #115 from jaeddy/default-master
7afed95 (fork/default-master) update build scripts, docs to treat 'master' as default branch
41c2607 (develop) Merge pull request #114 from ga4gh/dglazer-readme-howtoview-cleanup
51181a9 Update README.md
70568b4 Update README.md
2487f92 Merge pull request #113 from ga4gh/dglazer-readme-typos
109ca80 fix typos in "how to view" links
0702a0b Merge pull request #112 from jaeddy/ghpages-fixes
604f313 (fork/ghpages-fixes, ghpages-fixes) update README and contributing doc
beb30bf add more details to contributing docs
f69adee add note in contributing docs about travis build preview
81a36e6 remove option to preview PR pages
3f29bfb make develop primary branch in README
bdc6ff3 Merge branch 'develop' into ghpages-fixes
896df60 clean up unused build scripts and dependencies
da92f6c consolidate ghpages staging into single script - clean up travis config - fix repo url in fetch pages script - remove node s
cript for staging swagger ui - clean up ghpages tmp folder after staging
bad1ffb add script to fetch ghpages content
6109034 apply @coverbeck's patch to build.gradle, update travis.yml
7f17931 Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
9dbba04 bump versions in python code from 0.3.0 to 1.0.0
92a5278 update links in README
48ec55a attempt to fix swagger/docs build and deploy issues - Update deploypages.js - add cross-job cache to travis config to make s
ure doc updates are pushed to gh-pages - try again; cache didn't work, so add separate deploy for docs - fix typo - fix docs index -
update npm deps to fix vulnerability - fully separate docs and ui preview paths - fix gh-pages overwrite - switch order of 'keep_hi
story' - retrieve gh-pages deploy with git? - fix git checkout - fix git fetch - remove hacky git attempt - roll back addition of sw
agger-ui build for now; keep docs build - just use branch name for preview, not PR branch
4f8de0e add travis and swagger shields to README - fix badge dimensions - fix badge alignment - fix badge dimensions (again) - fix b
adge dimensions (again) - fix badge dimensions again - fix swagger link in README
db04c60 (fork/develop) fix build process for swagger ui and docs
721ad26 Fixed a few more formatting typos
4ea6ff6 Merge pull request #105 from ga4gh/dglazer-doccleanup-oct02
aad92bc Merge pull request #104 from ga4gh/briandoconnor-patch-20180930
5494f19 Merge branch 'develop' into dglazer-doccleanup-oct02
eca1f5d Merge pull request #102 from ga4gh/dglazer-yamlcleanup-sep24
da4857a misc doc cleanup
7710467 Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
48e8dfe addressing PRC feedback
a5abe7d removed title: attributes
e21ecca fix line wrapping in descriptions
c1b6caa Merge pull request #98 from ga4gh/briandoconnor-cancel-20180917
b3f3ec8 Merge pull request #99 from delagoya/remove-wes_object
9252c51 Merge branch 'develop' into remove-wes_object
8b4c6c1 Merge pull request #100 from ga4gh/briandoconnor-docs-20180917
b23d8ea removed a stray backquote
169dbb0 removed some quotes
53cc7df Merge branch 'develop' into briandoconnor-docs-20180917
62edcac Merge pull request #101 from ga4gh/dglazer-docchanges-21sep
ef4a18a Security group requested this
cc57b17 Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
9500830 clarified supported_filesystem_protocols
e7eb699 updated service-info
b3d4bbf DefaultWorkflowEngineParameter was missing a param name
264415c improved RunLog
e4d0ae9 improving the quick status description
05c129c better described status get on run
7eaf1b6 Adding more details on workflow_type
06e13bf Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
5ee9b66 Merge pull request #97 from ga4gh/briandoconnor-docs-20180917
a209292 added use cases to from matter
6962ddd Update front_matter.adoc
0a985d7 Update front_matter.adoc
3bae80b removed WesObject from the schema
c73fab3 Update workflow_execution_service.swagger.yaml
7d87540 Update front_matter.adoc
3e9d40e Update front_matter.adoc
05fe0fc Update front_matter.adoc
091fa60 adding note about different workflow types
b6f1764 Update CONTRIBUTING.md
091318c Merge pull request #89 from ga4gh/dglazer-doc-execsummary
79cd9da Merge pull request #93 from ga4gh/dglazer-readme-cleanup
9b1f722 Update README.md
63c2d57 Delete USECASES.md
3f18942 Delete Feedback.md
2c24d2c Delete Definitions.md
7a9ba97 chore: include swagger-ui build in travis deploy
2da38c1 (origin/dglazer-doc-execsummary) add an executive summary
6a80443 Merge pull request #88 from ga4gh/dglazer-authdoc
1392f73 Update front_matter.adoc
415f4a8 docs: update front_matter.adoc
d1db041 Merge pull request #85 from jaeddy/swagger-autodoc
d2a159f (fork/swagger-autodoc) add pypi deploy back to travis config
dc87f11 fix docs readme link
81f4314 remove autogen'd adocs from git tracking
a535b3d Merge pull request #84 from rishidev/initial_contrib
64e2d38 add readme with link to docs page
1869b0f fix travis syntax
22f4b63 docs: split summary text into description for swagger paths
2e70070 chore: add gradle docs build to travis
0638415 docs: add swagger2markup for integrating auto- and manual docs
7254dd6 Added contribing document.
aa0e7b9 Remove RunDescription. Closes #79 (#80)
b2fac37 Remove tag search. Closes #66 (#73)
e33d8f0 Schema fixes (#65)
3979e2d added security email
1c84c2e Merge pull request #57 from jaeddy/workflow-run-naming
bf314fd (fork/workflow-run-naming) Merge branch 'develop' into workflow-run-naming
a53bf0c Merge pull request #31 from ga4gh/multipart-upload
1eaecf3 Included a test suite that verifies schemas validity. (#64)
e90fc07 (origin/multipart-upload, fork/multipart-upload) fix typos in spec
aea8a7a fix typo in spec definition for run log
fe30d21 rename 'workflow-run' as 'run'
db49950 Merge branch 'develop' into multipart-upload
67729e4 Merge pull request #32 from jaeddy/workflow-job
41fb42a (fork/workflow-job) Merge branch 'develop' into workflow-job
48a13f3 Revise workflow post to properly specify multipart upload.
3fb5e6e Merge pull request #45 from ga4gh/contact_info
aff456c (origin/contact_info, fork/contact_info) Tweak text to recommend describe intended usage of contact_info
46dbe22 Add contact_info
to ServiceInfo.
d1cb6aa Clarify logs (expected to be URLs) and paging (use page_token). (#30)
881df5f use 'WorkflowRun' (or 'workflow_run') in all locations instead of 'Run'; fix some other typos+ Propose spec changes for multipart upload.
30943fc change workflow job to workflow run
61ccef5 separate out "job" concept from "workflow" concept
120cd3b Merge pull request #24 from david4096/remove_proto
e320819 Add Error Responses Remove WorkflowDesc as duplicate of WorkflowStatus Fix test subprocess call (still a stub)
ded6f0b Flake fixes
5c646cb Add a travis yml