Welcome to Dataminr!
Dataminr is a social interaction app that allows users to create and answer one quesstion surveys, and view the results of those surveys.
- Fork and clone this repository
- "bundle install" if necessary
- Open Dataminr Backend
- Run "rails db:migrate" & "rails db:seed"
- Run "rails s" in the terminal
- Open the Hangr Frontend
- Run "npm start"
Navigating the app:
- Sign Up/Log in
- Begin answering questions by navigating to the Questions tab of the navbar. Simply select one of the two options and press submit
- After answering a question you will be taken to the statistics page for that question, and see how all the users have answered
- You can view all the questions that you have answered and their associated statistics by going to the survey responses page, and selecting the question you are curious about
- You can add a question by going to the questions page and pressing the Add Question button on the top left and filling out the form
- Answering questions gives you points, and adding questions to the stack decreases them, so be sure to answer as many questions as possible
- Log out by selecting the option in the navbar Created by Claire DeBoer and Gabriel Chazanov