A GitHub Pages solution to deploy Klaviyo-built signup pages. Made using basic HTML and JavaScript.
JavaScript code is derived from Klaviyo itself.
KlaviyoDeployer is an opensource project by Gabe Fletcher.
- Go to this repository's Releases and click "index.html" under the latest release to download it.
- Take note that re-naming "index.html" in any way will make your site undeployable. It must have this name to be recognized by GitHub Pages.
- Click the "+" icon next to your profile picture in the upper-right of GitHub
- Click "New repository"
- Name it however you wish; we recommend something like "(YourNewsletterName)Deployer"
- Creating your own "readme.md" file is recommended but not absolutely required.
- Add the "index.html" file that you downloaded to your repository.
- While viewing the repository you just created, click "index.html" located above this "readme.md"
The index.html should appear as follows:
<script async type="text/javascript" src="https://static.klaviyo.com/onsite/js/klaviyo.js?company_id=YOUR_ID"></script>
- You'll need to find and replace "YOUR_ID" with your 6-digit Klaviyo form ID.
- Follow these instructions to deploy your respository data to GitHub Pages, and in turn your Klaviyo form/landing page.
- You can access your GitHub Pages deployment with the following syntax:
- When logged in to Klaviyo, go to the landing page or form you wish to deploy with KlaviyoDeployer and you'll find your Form ID at the end of the URL.
- Copy this ID to replace "YOUR_ID" in your "index.html" file in your respository.