- Farmers can send out their location via mobile phone when they open shop, so that people in their area can come and buy products.
- Users can find open farmer's markets or pop up healthy food shops in their area via mobile phone location and be guided to their chosen location via google maps.
- Farmers can sign-in to create their "Market Spot"
- Market Spot will include Owner's Name, Location, Products
- ReactJS
- Express
- Foundation
- Passport
- Cities
- react
- reactDOM
- Express
- Passport
- bodyParser
- axios
- mongoose
- Google Maps
- Passport w/ Google Auth
- Admins
- Users
- Passport should have Google Auth
- Logins should have sessions
- Must use a Front-end (ReactJS, Vue, Angular, etc.) and a Backend framework / Library (Laravel, Express, Django, Joomla, etc.)
D3, Laravel & Express
Must be backed by a MySQL or MongoDB Database with a Sequelize, Mongoose, or create your ORM.
MySQL Database to store homes and data for charts + mongoose
Must be deployed using Heroku (with Data)
Must utilize at least two libraries, packages, or technologies that we haven’t discussed or you haven't used.
Chart NPM Package +
Require or involve authentication of users in some way (Custom, Passport, or library of somesort)
Must have a polished frontend / UI
Must have folder structure that meets MVC Paradigm
Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming)
Idea(s) must be approved by Instructional Staff
What problem are solving?
Creating a 'one stop shop' for farmers to send a location/notification to users that they are in the area
What value does your site/app bring?
- Remember MVP