A minimal framework for creating parameterized airfoil geometries.
The core concept is simple:
Klingo adopts the concept of sections to define the blade geometry. Each section consists of a two-dimensional airfoil with respect to some plane in the three-dimensional space. The various sections are then grouped together to define the three-dimensional blade geometry. The coordinates defining each section are stored using numpy, which makes ease to perform a number of geometrical manipulations. Klingo already provides the most common ones: scale, translation, and rotation.
Klingo is tailored for meshing in snappyHexMesh. So, it also provides a simple
method for exporting the final geometry to .stl
, separating the different
surfaces into their own solid.
$ rye add git+https://github.com/gabrielbdsantos/klingo.git
$ pip install git+https://github.com/gabrielbdsantos/klingo.git@master
- Add examples
- Add tests
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For further information see the LICENSE.