This repository contains my personal Neovim configuration.
- Packer: A package manager for Neovim.
- nvim-lspconfig: Essential configurations for the built-in Neovim LSP.
- nvim-cmp: Main autocompletion engine for Neovim.
- cmp-nvim-lsp: LSP source for nvim-cmp.
- cmp-buffer, cmp-path, cmp-cmdline: Autocompletion for buffer, path, and command line.
- cmp-path: Path completions for nvim-cmp.
- cmp-cmdline: Command line completions for nvim-cmp.
- cmp_luasnip: Snippet completions for nvim-cmp.
- LuaSnip: A Lua-based snippet engine.
- nvim-treesitter: Advanced syntax highlighting.
- Telescope: A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
- Telescope File Browser: File browsing extension for Telescope.
- nvim-tree: A file explorer for Neovim.
- mason.nvim: Package manager for external tooling.
- mason-lspconfig.nvim: Integrates Mason with nvim-lspconfig.
- vim-markdown: Markdown syntax highlighting and matching rules.
- markdown-preview.nvim: Markdown preview in the browser.
- vimtex: A modern Vim and Neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files.
- Harpoon: Quick file navigation and workspace management.
- Lualine: A fast and customizable status line.
- undotree: Visualize your undo history.
- Gitsigns: Git integration for buffers.
- nvim-autopairs: Automatic insertion of pairs (brackets, quotes).
- indent-blankline.nvim: Adds indentation guides to all lines.
- Nightfox: A stylish and easy-on-the-eyes color scheme.
- nvim-notify: A fancy, configurable notification manager for Neovim.
- nvim-colorizer.lua: A plugin for color highlighting.
- nvim-web-devicons: Developer icons for Neovim.
- vim-devicons: Icon support for various Neovim plugins.
- Nightfox: A stylish and easy-on-the-eyes color scheme.
Key mappings are set up for efficiency and ease of navigation, editing, and management of the Neovim environment. Here are some highlights:
: Exit insert mode.<Space>
: Clear search highlights.Ctrl+h/j/k/l
: Navigate between splits.Alt+Arrow Keys
: Resize splits.<leader>rp
: Replace the word under the cursor throughout the file.<leader>p
: Paste the last yanked content.<leader>e
: Toggle Nvim Tree.<leader>u
: Toggle UndoTree.ff/fg/fb/fh/fv
: Various Telescope commands for finding files, live grep, etc.<leader>g
: Toggle Gitsigns.
Neovim >= 0.5
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Feel free to fork, submit issues, or pull requests to enhance this configuration!