This project was completed as part of my cursus at Ironhack (a 9-week intensive coding bootcamp).
The objective of this project was to create a data cleaning pipeline. This repository contains three files:
: the original dataset, i.e. a table of Shark Attacks Incidents (source: Kaggle)
: a cleaning pipeline performing successive transformations to clean the original dataset, for the purpose described in the Context section belowsharks-dataset-cleaned.csv
: the final dataset (output of the above Python file)
To design this cleaning pipeline, I took the following assumptions :
- Client: Tourism Australia wants to design an educational campaign, to avoid dangerous behaviors that could expose Australian inhabitants and visitors to shark attacks.
- Perimeter (region and time period) of the analysis: Australia, 1990-today
- Question to answer: which activities, and which areas are the most at risk?
The cleaned file covers the study perimeter only (i.e. Australia, 1990-today). It is composed of 12 columns:
- Year (
) : year of the incident - Month (
) : month of the incident - State (
) : Australian state where the incident occurred (designated by their abbreviation) - Location (
) : location where the incident occurred (Beach, Island, Bay, Reef, River, Port, Other) - Activity (
) : activity performed when the incident occurred (Surfing, Boarding, Diving, Snorkeling, Fishing, Swimming, Boating, Other) - Species (
) : shark species involved in the incident (White Shark, Wobbegong Shark, Bronze Whaler Shark, Tiger Shark, Bull Shark, Other) - Provoked (
) : 1 if the attack was provoked by a human, 0 if initiated by the shark (0 includes boat situations) - InjuryLevel (
) : severity level of the injury, from 0 to 4 (0: No injury or NA - 1: Minor injury - 2: Middle injury - 3: Severe injury - 4: Fatal injury) - HeadInjury, ArmInjury, LegInjury, TorsoInjury (
) : 1 if the body part was injured, 0 if not . Elements that were unspecified in the original dataset are indicated as NA.
- Create categorical columns from a set of unstandardized testimonies:
- Rank words from high to low frequency (in a sorted dictionary
{word : frequency}
) - Define top-ranked words as your main categories, by making sure to include all word variations
- Classify testimonies under these categories (for those that cannot be classified, create an Others category)
- Check that the volume of unclassified elements only represents less than 10% of the whole set
- Rank words from high to low frequency (in a sorted dictionary
- Simplify information by dividing content between separate columns (1 column = 1 dimension) and using booleans (e.g. the InjuryLevel, HeadInjury, ArmInjury, LegInjury and TorsoInjury columns were created from the Injury column, and the last 4 are booleans)
- Merge columns if they contain overlapping information (e.g. the Fatal and InjuryLevel columns were merged : an InjuryLevel of 4 represents a fatal shark incident).