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Biosys Web


  • nodejs v10 or later


The Biosys Client is build on Angular (v10 at Jan 2021) and Angular-cli. Angular-cli will be installed as part of the project dependency (npm install). We don't recommend installing the Angular CLI globally but use the CLI through npm script commands or npx, example npx ng --version

This project contains submodules. To clone both the project and submodules, use:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Note: If you already have the project cloned and are updating to the latest version, you'll also need to update the submodules. Use:

git pull
git submodule update --remote --recursive

Then install dependant packages:

npm install

From there you should be able to access angular cli command with npx

npx ng --version

Should show: Angular CLI: 10.2.0 (as of Jan 2021)

Development server

To run a development server, use:

npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

The app is then expecting a server running at localhost:8000

For running a frontend on a different server environment, for example gaia staging

npm start -- --configuration=staging-dev

See available configuration for ng serve in the serve section of `angular.json

DBCA Builds

Build for UAT

To build the project for UAT, use:

npm run build -- --configuration=dbca-uat --prod

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory, which are then to be copied to your UAT server.

Build for production

To build the project for production (DBCA for example), use:

npm run build -- --configuration=dbca-prod --prod

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory, which are then to be copied to your production server.

Running unit tests

To execute the unit tests via Karma, use:

npm run test

Running end-to-end tests

To execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor, use:

npm run e2e

Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via:

npm start

Any other ng command can be issued through npm with:

npm run ng -- [ng-params]

## Further help

Ex: to get more help on the Angular CLI use:

npm run ng -- help

Alternatively read the Angular CLI README.


Gaia Staging (EC2 instance:

assumes you have a ssh config name staging-biosys

npm run build -- --configuration=staging --prod
scp -rp ./dist/biosys-web/* staging-biosys:/srv/sites/biosys/biosys-web/

OEH Koala Watch UAT (S3 bucket: )

assumes that you have aws cli installed and that you have an aws profile called oeh.

npm run build -- --configuration=oeh-uat --prod
aws --profile oeh s3 cp ./dist/biosys-web s3:// --region ap-southeast-2 --recursive

OEH Koala Watch PROD (S3 bucket: )

assumes that you have aws cli installed and that you have an aws profile called oeh.

npm run build -- --configuration=oeh-prod --prod
aws --profile oeh s3 cp ./dist/biosys-web s3:// --region ap-southeast-2 --recursive

OEH Mount Kaputar Snails and Slug UAT (S3 bucket: )

assumes that you have aws cli installed and that you have an aws profile called mksas.

npm run build -- --configuration=mksas-uat --prod
aws --profile mksas s3 cp ./dist/biosys-web s3:// --region ap-southeast-2 --recursive

OEH Mount Kaputar Snails and Slug Prod (S3 bucket: )

assumes that you have aws cli installed and that you have an aws profile called mksas.

npm run build -- --configuration=mksas-prod --prod
aws --profile mksas s3 cp ./dist/biosys-web s3:// --region ap-southeast-2 --recursive