For this project I'm using Camunda 8 and gRPC client to connect and create an instance process. This basic expense report process, created and instance and the send typed expense information to camunda and pre-load this data into a user review task.
Camunda BPM Model/Diagram
You can import the diagram "Expense Reimbursement.bpmn" into camunda modeler and the deploy it, this step is required to obtaind the BpmProcessId.
Before to execute the proyect to need to configure the appsettings.json file like this:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"CamundaSettings": {
"ClientId": "camunda client id",
"ClientSecret": "client secret",
"ContactPoint": camunda cluster endpoint"
"BpmProccessSettings": {
"BpmProcessId": "put here the bpm process id to be used to created the instance process"