- Fix: Resolved the issue where rich text rendering resulted in a blank screen. #857 @Sruimeng
- Fix: Eliminated the logic where an additional particle was removed upon clicking. #863 @RGCHN
- Fix: Removed the logic where an HTTP request response code of 0 indicated success. #860 @RGCHN
- Fix: 3d mesh max joint and camera rotation error. #858 @wumaolinmaoan
- Fix: 修复富文本渲染白屏问题。#857 @Sruimeng
- Fix: 移除粒子点击后会多移除一个的逻辑。#863 @RGCHN
- Fix: 移除 http 请求 response 代码 0 表示成功的逻辑。#860 @RGCHN
- Fix: 3d mesh max joint and camera rotation error. #858 @wumaolinmaoan
UNPKG: https://unpkg.com/@galacean/[email protected]/dist/index.min.js
Note: Please do not use the above CDN links in the production environment!
注意:请不要在生产环境使用上面的 CDN 链接!