SLURM Stats are scripts for gathering SLURM statistics
Currently the scripts are
- sacct_stats.R which generates simple user/monthly stats from sacct output
- Requires also the helper.R script
To generate the data, you should use the following type of sacct command. You probably want to vary the start (and end) dates (-S and -E flags).
sacct --format JobID,JobIDRaw,JobName,User,Group,Partition,MaxRSS,MaxPages,AveCPU,MaxDiskWrite,MaxDiskRead,MaxVMSize,NTasks,AllocCPUS,Submit,Start,Elapsed,End,State,ExitCode,ReqMem,Timelimit -s BF,CA,CD,F,NF,PR,TO -P -a -S 08/15 > sisu
The example contains some extra fields which are not processed yet by the script but will likely be useful
- Ensure that you have the data.table library installed in R
- Run the command and give the input file as an argument
R --no-save --args "taito-gpu" < sacct_stats.R
- After the script completes you should have CSVs containing aggregations of per-month and per-user data
- There are also some commented out lines at the end that generate other plots and statisics and can be used as basis for playing around with the data interactively
The resulting CSV files contain the following fields
- User name or Date (Month/Year)
- Count Number of jobs for the user or during the time period
For the following statistics, minimum, mean, maximum and standard deviation (min,mean,max,stddev) is calculated
- AllocCPUS Allocated CPUs
- QueueTime Time spent queued (in seconds)
- Elapsed Time spent running (in seconds)
- Timelimitaccuracy Difference of timelimit vs. actual runtime (Elapsed/Timelimit)