This is the source code for the Galter's institutional repository.
This is a samvera/sufia based rails application, branch 6.x-stable
- Ruby 2.3.7
- Rails 4.2.7
- redis
- hydra-jetty
Ruby Installation
Ruby version 2.4.2 requires OpenSSL Version 1.0.* (versions older than 1.1+). If using RVM the easiest way to install
this version of OpenSSL is to use rvm pkg install openssl
. After this completes install Ruby 2.4.2 with
rvm install 2.4.2 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr/
. If there are other versions of Ruby installed you might run into
an issue with symbolic links and OpenSSL, something like Too many levels of symbolic links
. This seems to be caused by
the directory ~/.rvm/usr/ssl/man/
, which contains manual pages for openssl, and the problem can be resolved by just
removing this directory entirely rm -rf ~/.rvm/usr/ssl/man/
If there are issues with gem versions when running bundle install
edit Gemfile.lock to use versions that are available
currently. Realistically this should only happen with the gem logger
which previously had version 1.2.8 available
from RubyGems before it was replaced with version 1.2.7 ((seriously...))[nahi/logger#3]. It is
recommended to use version 1.3.0 for now as there are features in version 1.2.8 that were not in version 1.2.7.
After running bundle install
without errors, if there are issues with starting your server try running
rvm gemset pristine
and then starting the rails server again.
Hydra Jetty Installation
Make sure that you're using the version of hydra-jetty that was forked specifically for Galter Library repos (it's the
repo linked in this README). Basically this repo provides a jar file that runs two applications: Fedora (repository not
linux distro) and Solr from Apache. For anything to work you will need to ensure you're using Java 8. On OSX run
java -version
if it does not list java version "1.8...
(by Java version naming conventions 1.8 means Java 8) then
you will need to make sure that Java 8 is installed and that your shell is set to use it.
To check all installed java versions run /usr/libexec/java_home -V
and if Java 8 is in the list it is installed. If
the shell is still listing some other version use the following command to change to Java 8
export JAVA_HOME=
/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8; java -version
. You can switch back to whatever the previous version
of java was using the same command, but replacing -v 1.8
with whatever the desired version is.
To ensure that everything is running properly open your web browser to http://localhost:8983 and click the links. If
either app does not load properly check the debug log located in the hydra-jetty project directory at logs/debugger.log
You will need to request the secret env variables for this to work.
- Start the hydra-jetty app
hydra-jetty/$ java -jar start.jar
Start redis
Start the resque service
digital-repository/$ QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work
- Start up your rails server
digital-repository/$ rails s
- hydra-jetty and redis need to be running first
digital-repository/$ rspec spec/
- Capistrano-based deployments
digital-repository/$ cap <stage> deploy
- To export Digital Hub data to JSON format use the below commands from the root project directory. It's critical to use
AND the trailing ampersand for the first command and similarly important to run the second command with the correct job number. If you don't do all of this then the export will cut out when the terminal that started it in the first place is closed for any reason.
nohup ./bin/rails r lib/scripts/repo_export_in_batches.rb > "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S')_repo_export_in_batches.log" &
disown <job number assigned in previous command>