With some very simple examples, during 1h30, you will discover how to :
- Run Silex locally with Vagrant / Docker / phusion
- Run Silex with php-fpm + nginx
- Build a simple navigation system from a YAML content tree, Twig for templating & bootstrap for CSS
- Use Pimple to inject the YAML content within the $app container, and re-use everywhere
- Provide 3 ways to embed external HTML blocks : SSI / ESI / AJAX, with HTTP Cache TTL (use HttpFoundation)
- Create a generic service provider to compile locally the bootstrap .less files with cache / watch changes / compress (use less.php)
- Branch master is empty
- Branch 01-no-esi is the starting point of the workshop. The AJAX call is in progress (/renderesi route is missing), no ESI setup, no .less compilation
- Branch 02-no-less is the same code, containing AJAX & ESI setup example
- Branch 03-final is the final code, containing the .less processing for bootstrap
Check Vagrant & Docker are installed & so :
vagrant up --provider=docker
If you are behind a proxy, uncomment & set your proxy values in the Vagrantfile & Dockerfile
With SSH go to the Silex folder :
You should already be on the 01-no-esi branch, with all vendors available, Up to branch 02-no-less, need to :
composer update oyejorge/less.php
- Finalize the AJAX call, add "/renderesi" route to controllers.php
- Add "/esi" route to controllers.php, with TTL cache
- Add entry to the menu.yaml
- Add template code to the main.twig
To speed up, checkout the 02-no-less branch
- Add "oyejorge/less.php": "~1.5" to composer.json & update
- Create the LessProvider, both register & boot methods
- Register the provider in app.php
- Play with variables.less to check everything works fine
To speed up, checkout the 03-final branch
Enjoy !