Extensions used by me in OpenFOAM. I use OpenFOAM foundation version.
All the extensions given below are working with OpenFOAM-6. Although I have not tested, but I believe they will work with OpenFOAM-7 also, as there are no major changes between them.
All working function objects are merged into a single library. Those which are under testing will made a separate library
Turbulence model is still work in progress for code cleanup and references. Functionally it is working.
External Libraries to be imported in controlDict file:
- ebeamTurbulentHeatFlux --> "libebeamCondition.so"
- marangoniCondition --> "libmarangoniGradientCondition.so"
- All Function Objects --> "libmyFunctionObjects.so"
- kEpsilonMelting Turbulence Model --> "libmyTurbulenceModels.so"