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OpenShift templates for LimeSurvey, used within Natural Resources Ministries


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NRM LimeSurvey

OpenShift templates for LimeSurvey, used within Natural Resources Ministries and ready for deployment on OpenShift. LimeSurvey is an open-source PHP application with a PostgreSQL relational database for persistent data.


For appropriate security on deployed pods:

For build:

oc -n <tools-namespace> create secret docker-registry docker-pull-passthru \ \
--docker-username=default-<namespace>-<random> \
--docker-password=<random> \
--docker-email=<git username>@<tools-namespace>.local

Once built, this image may be deployed to a separate *-dev, *-test, or *-prod namespace with the appropriate system:image-puller role.

For deployment:

  • Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace
  • the oc CLI tool, installed on your local workstation
  • access to this public GitHub Repo

Once deployed, any visitors to the site will require a modern browser (e.g. Edge, FF, Chrome, Opera etc.) with activated JavaScript (see official LimeSurvey docs)



Custom Image

For a brand new build/image/imagestream/imagestreamtag in your new namespace, you would first create an image stream using this (forked) code (replace <tools-namespace> with your *-tools project namespace).

oc -n <tools-namespace> create istag limesurvey-bcgov:latest
oc -n <tools-namespace> process -f ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.bc.yaml | oc -n <tools-namespace> apply -f -
oc -n <tools-namespace> start-build limesurvey-bcgov

Tag the built image stream with the correct release version, matching the major.minor release tag at the source repo. For example, this v5.3.21 was tagged via:

oc -n <tools-namespace> tag limesurvey-bcgov:latest limesurvey-bcgov:5.3.21

NOTE: To update our LimeSurvey image, we would update or override the Dockerfile ARG, and run the Build. For example, this v5.3.21 was built with:

ARG GITHUB_TAG=5.3.21+220620


Database Deployment

Deploy the DB using the correct SURVEY_NAME parameter (e.g. an acronym that will be automatically prefixed to limesurvey):

oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=<survey>

All DB deployments are based on the out-of-the-box OpenShift Database Image, and DB deployed objects (e.g. deployment configs, secrets, services, etc) have a naming convention of <survey>limesurvey-postgresql in the Openshift console.

Application Deployment

Deploy the Application specifying:

  • the survey-specific parameter (i.e. <survey>)
  • your project *-tools namespace that contains the image, and
  • a email account that will be used with the SMTP Email Server:
oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=<survey> -p IS_NAMESPACE=<tools> -p ADMIN_EMAIL=<Email.Address>

NOTE: The ADMIN_EMAIL is required, and you may also override the default ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_NAME. The ADMIN_PASSWORD is automatically generated by the template; be sure to note the generated password (shown in the log output of this command on your screen).

Application deployed objects (e.g. deployment configs, secrets, services, etc) have a naming convention of <survey>limesurvey-app in the Openshift console.

LimeSurvey installation

The application is automatically done as part of the, which calls nrm-check-install.php returning either:

  • NOINSTALL (Database Connection is valid but LimeSurvey has not yet been installed), or
  • INSTALL (LimeSurvey tables exist in the database)

If NOINSTALL is returned, then the script automatically runs:

php application/commands/console.php install "$ADMIN_USER" "$ADMIN_PASSWORD" "$ADMIN_NAME" "$ADMIN_EMAIL" verbose

Log into the LimeSurvey app

Once the application has finished the initial install you may log in as the admin user (using the generated password). Use the correct Survey acronym in the URL: https://<survey>

NOTE: The password is also stored as a secret in the OCP Console (<survey>limesurvey-app.admin-password), or can be echoed in the shell of deployed app terminal:


Example Deployment

As a concrete example of a survey with the acronym acme, deployed in the project namespace 245e18-dev, here are the steps:

Deployment Steps

Example Database Deployment

❯ oc whoami

❯ oc -n 245e18-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=acme

--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev

     * With parameters:
        * Survey Name=acme
        * Memory Limit=512Mi
        * PostgreSQL Connection Password=fSCMvcVj3MeAXwxL # generated
        * Database Volume Capacity=1Gi

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
    service "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose service/acmelimesurvey-postgresql'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Example Application Deployment

After thirty seconds, the database pod should be up.

> oc -n 245e18-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p IS_NAMESPACE=245e18-tools -p SURVEY_NAME=acme -p [email protected]

--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-app-dc" for "./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev

     * With parameters:
        * Namespace=245e18-tools
        * Image Stream=limesurvey-bcgov
        * Version of LimeSurvey=5.3.21
        * LimeSurvey Acronym=acme
        * Upload Folder size=1Gi
        * Administrator Account Name=admin
        * Administrator Display Name=Administrator
        * Administrator Password=AhgMnt84y2vOXi3I # generated
        * Administrator Email [email protected]
        * Database Type=pgsql
        * CPU_LIMIT=200m
        * MEMORY_LIMIT=512Mi
        * CPU_REQUEST=50m
        * MEMORY_REQUEST=200Mi
        * REPLICA_MIN=2
        * REPLICA_MAX=3

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "acmelimesurvey-app" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-upload" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-config" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-plugins" created "acmelimesurvey-app" created
    horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling "acmelimesurvey-app" created
    service "acmelimesurvey-app" created "acmelimesurvey-app" created
--> Success
    Access your application via route ''
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Log into the LimeSurvey app

The Administrative interface is at:

and brings to you a screen like: Admin Logon

Once logged as an Admin, you'll be brought to the Welcome page: Welcome Page

Using Environmental variables to deploy

As this is a template deployment, it may be easier to set environment variable for the deployment, so using the same PROJECT 245e18-dev and SURVEY mas-test:

Deployment Steps

Set the environment variables

On a workstation logged into the OpenShift Console:

export TOOLS=245e18-tools
export PROJECT=245e18-dev
export SURVEY=mas-test

Database Deployment

> oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY}

--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev

     * With parameters:
        * Survey Name=mas-test
        * Memory Limit=512Mi
        * PostgreSQL Connection Password=c7fTOXpikaMCWfK3 # generated
        * Database Volume Capacity=1Gi

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
    service "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose service/mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

App Deployment

Wait about 30 seconds, and/or confirm via the GUI that the DB is up:

> oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p IS_NAMESPACE=${TOOLS} -p [email protected] -p ADMIN_NAME="MAS LimeSurvey Administrator"

--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-app-dc" for "./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev

     * With parameters:
        * Namespace=245e18-tools
        * Image Stream=limesurvey-bcgov
        * Version of LimeSurvey=5.3.21
        * LimeSurvey Acronym=mas-test
        * Upload Folder size=1Gi
        * Administrator Account Name=admin
        * Administrator Display Name=MAS LimeSurvey Administrator
        * Administrator Password=dV0x1DuaBYjNhjCG # generated
        * Administrator Email [email protected]
        * Database Type=pgsql
        * CPU_LIMIT=200m
        * MEMORY_LIMIT=512Mi
        * CPU_REQUEST=50m
        * MEMORY_REQUEST=200Mi
        * REPLICA_MIN=2
        * REPLICA_MAX=3

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-upload" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-config" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-plugins" created "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
    horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
    service "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
--> Success
    Access your application via route ''
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Log into the LimeSurvey app

The Administrative interface is at https://${SURVEY} which is this example is .

and brings to you a screen like: Admin Logon

Once logged as an Admin, you'll be brought to the Welcome page: Welcome Page


  • to login the database, open the DB pod terminal (via OpenShift Console or oc rsh) and enter:


  • to clean-up database deployments:

    oc -n <project> delete secret/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql dc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql svc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql

    NOTE: The Database Volume will be left as-is in case there is critical business data, so to delete:

    oc -n <project> delete pvc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql

    or if using environment variables:

    oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql dc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql svc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql
    oc -n ${PROJECT} delete pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql
  • to clean-up application deployments:

    oc -n <project> delete secret/<survey>limesurvey-app dc/<survey>limesurvey-app svc/<survey>limesurvey-app route/<survey>limesurvey-app hpa/<survey>limesurvey-app`

    NOTE: The Configuration, Upload, and Plugins Volumes are left intact in case there are customized assets; if not (i.e. it's a brand-new survey):

    oc -n <project> delete pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-config pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-upload pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-plugins`

    or if using environment variables:

    oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app dc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app svc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app route/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app hpa/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-config pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-upload pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-plugins
  • to reset all deployed objects (this will destroy all data and persistent volumes). Only do this on a botched initial install or if you have the DB backed up and ready to restore into the new wiped database.

    oc -n <project> delete all,secret,pvc -l app=<survey>limesurvey

    or if using environment variables:

    oc -n ${PROJECT} delete all,secret,pvc,hpa -l app=${SURVEY}limesurvey
  • to dynamically get the pod name of the running pods, this is helpful:

    oc -n <project> get pods | grep <survey>limesurvey-app- | grep -v deploy | grep Running | awk '{print \$1}'

  • to customize the deployment with higher/lower resources, using environment variables, use these examples:

    oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p MEMORY_LIMIT=768Mi -p DB_VOLUME_CAPACITY=1280M
    oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p [email protected] -p ADMIN_NAME="IITD LimeSurvey Administrator" -p REPLICA_MIN=2


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • add support for MySQL/MariaDB


  • tested out build using newer version of LimeSurvey (via GITHUB_TAG), from the /archive/refs/tags/* of
  • refactored to use Dockerfile rather than git submodule
  • after-the-fact tagged and created release for first version
  • implemented health checks for the deployments
  • tested DB backup/restore and transfer
  • updated gluster-file-db to netapp-block-standard
  • updated gluster-file to netapp-file-standard
  • check for persistent upload between re-deploys
  • appropriate resource limits (multi-replica deployment supported)




OpenShift templates for LimeSurvey, used within Natural Resources Ministries







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