- NRM LimeSurvey
OpenShift templates for LimeSurvey, used within Natural Resources Ministries and ready for deployment on OpenShift. LimeSurvey is an open-source PHP application with a PostgreSQL relational database for persistent data.
For appropriate security on deployed pods:
- Kubernetes Network Policies should be in place, see the Network Policy QuickStart (note that Aporeto is no longer support on BC Gov OpenShift)
For build:
- Administrator access to an Openshift Project
namespace - the oc CLI tool, installed on your local workstation
- access to this public GitHub Repo
- docker-pull-passthru secret referencing artifactory credentials
oc -n <tools-namespace> create secret docker-registry docker-pull-passthru \
--docker-server=docker-remote.artifacts.developer.gov.bc.ca \
--docker-username=default-<namespace>-<random> \
--docker-password=<random> \
--docker-email=<git username>@<tools-namespace>.local
Once built, this image may be deployed to a separate *-dev
, *-test
, or *-prod
namespace with the appropriate system:image-puller
For deployment:
- Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace
- the oc CLI tool, installed on your local workstation
- access to this public GitHub Repo
Once deployed, any visitors to the site will require a modern browser (e.g. Edge, FF, Chrome, Opera etc.) with activated JavaScript (see official LimeSurvey docs)
- OpenShift LimeSurvey app template for LimeSurvey PHP application, with PostgreSQL Database
- OpenShift Database service template for a PostgreSQL Database
For a brand new build/image/imagestream/imagestreamtag in your new namespace, you would first create an image stream using this (forked) code (replace <tools-namespace>
with your *-tools
project namespace).
oc -n <tools-namespace> create istag limesurvey-bcgov:latest
oc -n <tools-namespace> process -f ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.bc.yaml | oc -n <tools-namespace> apply -f -
oc -n <tools-namespace> start-build limesurvey-bcgov
Tag the built image stream with the correct release version, matching the major.minor
release tag at the source repo. For example, this v5.3.21 was tagged via:
oc -n <tools-namespace> tag limesurvey-bcgov:latest limesurvey-bcgov:5.3.21
NOTE: To update our LimeSurvey image, we would update or override the Dockerfile ARG, and run the Build. For example, this v5.3.21 was built with:
ARG GITHUB_TAG=5.3.21+220620
Deploy the DB using the correct SURVEY_NAME parameter (e.g. an acronym that will be automatically prefixed to limesurvey
oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=<survey>
All DB deployments are based on the out-of-the-box OpenShift Database Image, and DB deployed objects (e.g. deployment configs, secrets, services, etc) have a naming convention of <survey>limesurvey-postgresql
in the Openshift console.
Deploy the Application specifying:
- the survey-specific parameter (i.e.
) - your project
namespace that contains the image, and - a
email account that will be used with theapps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
SMTP Email Server:
oc -n <project> new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=<survey> -p IS_NAMESPACE=<tools> -p ADMIN_EMAIL=<Email.Address>@gov.bc.ca
NOTE: The ADMIN_EMAIL is required, and you may also override the default ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_NAME. The ADMIN_PASSWORD is automatically generated by the template; be sure to note the generated password (shown in the log output of this command on your screen).
Application deployed objects (e.g. deployment configs, secrets, services, etc) have a naming convention of <survey>limesurvey-app
in the Openshift console.
The application is automatically done as part of the docker-entrypoint.sh
, which calls nrm-check-install.php
returning either:
(Database Connection is valid but LimeSurvey has not yet been installed), orINSTALL
(LimeSurvey tables exist in the database)
is returned, then the script automatically runs:
php application/commands/console.php install "$ADMIN_USER" "$ADMIN_PASSWORD" "$ADMIN_NAME" "$ADMIN_EMAIL" verbose
Once the application has finished the initial install you may log in as the admin user (using the generated password). Use the correct Survey acronym in the URL:
NOTE: The password is also stored as a secret in the OCP Console (<survey>limesurvey-app.admin-password
), or can be echoed in the shell of deployed app terminal:
As a concrete example of a survey with the acronym acme
, deployed in the project namespace 245e18-dev
, here are the steps:
Deployment Steps
❯ oc whoami
❯ oc -n 245e18-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=acme
--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev
* With parameters:
* Survey Name=acme
* Memory Limit=512Mi
* PostgreSQL Connection Password=fSCMvcVj3MeAXwxL # generated
* Database Volume Capacity=1Gi
--> Creating resources ...
secret "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
service "acmelimesurvey-postgresql" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose service/acmelimesurvey-postgresql'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
After thirty seconds, the database pod should be up.
> oc -n 245e18-dev new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p IS_NAMESPACE=245e18-tools -p SURVEY_NAME=acme -p [email protected]
--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-app-dc" for "./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev
* With parameters:
* Namespace=245e18-tools
* Image Stream=limesurvey-bcgov
* Version of LimeSurvey=5.3.21
* LimeSurvey Acronym=acme
* Upload Folder size=1Gi
* Administrator Account Name=admin
* Administrator Display Name=Administrator
* Administrator Password=AhgMnt84y2vOXi3I # generated
* Administrator Email [email protected]
* Database Type=pgsql
* CPU_LIMIT=200m
--> Creating resources ...
secret "acmelimesurvey-app" created
persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-upload" created
persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-config" created
persistentvolumeclaim "acmelimesurvey-app-plugins" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "acmelimesurvey-app" created
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling "acmelimesurvey-app" created
service "acmelimesurvey-app" created
route.route.openshift.io "acmelimesurvey-app" created
--> Success
Access your application via route 'acmelimesurvey.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
The Administrative interface is at: https://acmelimesurvey.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/index.php/admin/
and brings to you a screen like:
Once logged as an Admin, you'll be brought to the Welcome page:
As this is a template deployment, it may be easier to set environment variable for the deployment, so using the same PROJECT 245e18-dev
and SURVEY mas-test
Deployment Steps
On a workstation logged into the OpenShift Console:
export TOOLS=245e18-tools
export PROJECT=245e18-dev
export SURVEY=mas-test
> oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY}
--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev
* With parameters:
* Survey Name=mas-test
* Memory Limit=512Mi
* PostgreSQL Connection Password=c7fTOXpikaMCWfK3 # generated
* Database Volume Capacity=1Gi
--> Creating resources ...
secret "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
service "mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose service/mas-testlimesurvey-postgresql'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
Wait about 30 seconds, and/or confirm via the GUI that the DB is up:
> oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p IS_NAMESPACE=${TOOLS} -p [email protected] -p ADMIN_NAME="MAS LimeSurvey Administrator"
--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrmlimesurvey-app-dc" for "./ci/openshift/limesurvey-bcgov.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev
* With parameters:
* Namespace=245e18-tools
* Image Stream=limesurvey-bcgov
* Version of LimeSurvey=5.3.21
* LimeSurvey Acronym=mas-test
* Upload Folder size=1Gi
* Administrator Account Name=admin
* Administrator Display Name=MAS LimeSurvey Administrator
* Administrator Password=dV0x1DuaBYjNhjCG # generated
* Administrator Email [email protected]
* Database Type=pgsql
* CPU_LIMIT=200m
--> Creating resources ...
secret "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-upload" created
persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-config" created
persistentvolumeclaim "mas-testlimesurvey-app-plugins" created
deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
service "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
route.route.openshift.io "mas-testlimesurvey-app" created
--> Success
Access your application via route 'mas-testlimesurvey.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
The Administrative interface is at https://${SURVEY}.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/index.php/admin/ which is this example is https://mas-testlimesurvey.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/ .
and brings to you a screen like:
Once logged as an Admin, you'll be brought to the Welcome page:
to login the database, open the DB pod terminal (via OpenShift Console or
oc rsh
to clean-up database deployments:
oc -n <project> delete secret/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql dc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql svc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql
NOTE: The Database Volume will be left as-is in case there is critical business data, so to delete:
oc -n <project> delete pvc/<survey>limesurvey-postgresql
or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql dc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql svc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql oc -n ${PROJECT} delete pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-postgresql
to clean-up application deployments:
oc -n <project> delete secret/<survey>limesurvey-app dc/<survey>limesurvey-app svc/<survey>limesurvey-app route/<survey>limesurvey-app hpa/<survey>limesurvey-app`
NOTE: The Configuration, Upload, and Plugins Volumes are left intact in case there are customized assets; if not (i.e. it's a brand-new survey):
oc -n <project> delete pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-config pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-upload pvc/<survey>limesurvey-app-plugins`
or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app dc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app svc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app route/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app hpa/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-config pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-upload pvc/${SURVEY}limesurvey-app-plugins
to reset all deployed objects (this will destroy all data and persistent volumes). Only do this on a botched initial install or if you have the DB backed up and ready to restore into the new wiped database.
oc -n <project> delete all,secret,pvc -l app=<survey>limesurvey
or if using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete all,secret,pvc,hpa -l app=${SURVEY}limesurvey
to dynamically get the pod name of the running pods, this is helpful:
oc -n <project> get pods | grep <survey>limesurvey-app- | grep -v deploy | grep Running | awk '{print \$1}'
to customize the deployment with higher/lower resources, using environment variables, use these examples:
oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p MEMORY_LIMIT=768Mi -p DB_VOLUME_CAPACITY=1280M oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/limesurvey.dc.yaml -p SURVEY_NAME=${SURVEY} -p [email protected] -p ADMIN_NAME="IITD LimeSurvey Administrator" -p REPLICA_MIN=2
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- add support for MySQL/MariaDB
- tested out build using newer version of LimeSurvey (via GITHUB_TAG), from the
of https://github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey - refactored to use Dockerfile rather than git submodule
- after-the-fact tagged and created release for first version
- implemented health checks for the deployments
- tested DB backup/restore and transfer
- updated
- updated
- check for persistent upload between re-deploys
- appropriate resource limits (multi-replica deployment supported)