This repo also holds the latest SEP.cfg (with help from certain members, like kektram and MIKE). Download the latest SEP.cfg and put it into %appdata%\PopstarDevs\2Take1Menu\cfg\ and obviously have windows replace the old file with new file.
This repo also has a default (2Take1Menu.ini) profile that has all recomended protections/event hooks enabled for you. Download the latest 2Take1Menu.ini and put into %appdata%\PopstarDevs\2Take1Menu\ and replace the old with the new file (this will reset your default profile).
This repo also has a default (2Take1Menu.ini) profile that has all recomended protections/event hooks enabled for you. Download the latest 2Take1Menu.ini and put into %appdata%\PopstarDevs\2Take1Menu\ and replace the old with the new file (this will reset your default profile).
the alt profile offers keybind options for TKL/60%/80%/90% keyboards.
- Disable Background Script
When Rockstar pushes code for your game to execute without an actual update
- Crash - Block & Notify
sync mismatch type 2 sometimes gives false positives, this detection can be disabled at online - modder detection. disable at own risk. (turning the option on, disables this detection)
- Block Script Event Kick
- Block Reports
- Block Crew Kick - Block & Notify
- block collectable drops - Block & Notify
- Block Money Drops - Block & Notify
Doesn't stop you from picking up your own money drops. And may produce False Positives due to other clients trying to sync the pickup entities to you.
- Block Attachments - Block & Notify
May break certain missions, e.g. Casino Heist
- Block Cage Objects - Block & Notify
- Block Clones - Block
Due to entity sync, setting this to Notify, will produce false positives.
- Block Model Changes - Block & Notify
- Notify when Rockstar Admin is present.
- Notify When Someone Is Spectating Me
- Notify when Modder is detected.
- Notify when someone drops cash.
Optional, as this is already in Modder Detection
When 2take1 detects a modder, it will block the selected things from that person strongly recommended to keep this section enabled.
- Block Net Events
- Block Script Events
- Block Global Broadcast
- Block Peds
- Block Objects
- Block Vehicles
This might cause issues, like making the person appear under the map when they in a vehicle.
- Block Pickups
Like money, weapons, health, etc
- Block Automobiles
- Block Bikes
- Block Boats
- Block Doors
- Block Helis
- Block Pickup Placements
- Block Plane
- Block Submarines
- Block Cunts
people will appear frozen cos of this.
- Block Trailers
- Block Train
- Log script events.
This is optional, and it will fill your log file up a bit. Useful for SEP.cfg and custom lua script creations.
- Log net events.
This is Optional, and it will quickly fill your log file.
- Freemode crash log.
Not really needed anymore, due to "Block Script Event Kicks" protection.
Be sure to grab the latest SEP.cfg from #script-event-protection-share or Releases. If you are script host, you will be blocking anything here thats set to Block. which may impact legit players.
- Invalid Apartment Invite: Block & Notify
- Apartment Invite: Block & Notify
disable before doing missions/jobs/heists
- Force Send to Island: Block & Notify
disable before doing payo cerico heist/beach party
- Force to Mission: Block & Notify
disable before doing any jobs/heists/etc
- Invite: Block & Notify
disable before doing missions/jobs/heists
- CEO Ban/Terminate/Dismiss: Block & Notify
blocking these will prevent you from being kicked from a ceo youre in, even via legit methods
- Rotate Camera: Block (OPTIONAL)
dont set to notify, else false positives.
- Block Passive Mode: Block
haven't tested with notify enabled.
- Remote Blind Eye: ANY (OPTIONAL)
set to whatever option you want
- CEO 10k Bonus: ANY (OPTIONAL)
- Modded Spectate: Notify (OPTIONAL)
Block is untested. this will mark person as modder. maybe some false positives?
- Destroy Personal Vehicle: ANY (OPTIONAL)
untested, dunno what it actually does?
- Kick From Vehicle: Block & Notify
- Vehicle EMP: Block & Notify
disable during arena war
- Disable Jumping: Block & Notify
- Transaction Fail: Block & Notify
- Show Banner: ANY (OPTIONAL)
- Send Modded Bounty: ANY (OPTIONAL)
people who have a bounty will also trigger this event.
- Send Bounty: ANY (OPTIONAL)
people who have a bounty will also trigger this event.
- Sound Spam: ANY
may interfere with mc/ceo invites
- kick from MC club: ANY (OPTIONAL
may have false positives? dunno
- Clear Wanted Level: ANY (OPTIONAL)
- Insurance Fraud: Block & Notify
- Police Bribe: ANY (OPTIONAL)
- Script Event Crash: Block & Notify
- Impulse Modder Detection: Notify
- General Bad Events: Block & Notify
may have false positives
- Notify: Notify (OPTIONAL)
unknown uses
- General Bad Events: Block & Notify
this may have false positives, not fully tested.
these events arent fully tested. enable at own discretion.
enable the "disable all net event hooks" option to disable all these, before accessing jobs/missions/etc
- NET CLEAR PED TASKS - Block & Notify
May interfere with some jobs/missions
- GAME CLOCK - Block
OPTIONAL, 2take1 crash protex blocks invalid time crashes. Enable if you hate people changing time
OPTIONAL, 2take1 crash protex blocks invalid weather crashes. Enable if you hate people changing weather
- NET PTFX - Block or Block & Notify
REQUIRED. Impulse uses this to crash you
- FIRE - Block
- EXPLOSION - Block & Notify OR Notify only
Notify is good for when you want to know who is blame killing the lobby
Stops modders from fuckin with the vehicle you're currently using Notify is optional, and may be bit spammy
- GIVE WEAPON - Block & Notify
- REMOVE WEAPON - Block & Notify
- REMOVE ALL WEAPONS - Block & Notify
OPTIONAL. Can be used to detect if someone tries to crash you, but also has legitimate uses in CEO missions
- VOTE KICKS - Notify
OPTIONAL. Setting this to block does NOTHING. And the notifications only tell you that the person is vote kicking someone not just specifically you
- Event Hooks > Net Events > VEHICLE COMPONENT CTRL will stop people from going into vehicles near you
It has been observed that some modders leak this event
It has been observed that some modders leak this event