This Helm charts installs GatewayD on your Kubernetes cluster.
- Clone this repository
- Install the chart
- (Optionally) Uninstall the chart
git clone
cd helm-charts/charts/gatewayd/
helm install gatewayd-release -f values.yaml ./
# Optionally, if you want to remove GatewayD from your cluster
# helm uninstall gatewayd-release
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
autoscaling.enabled |
Determines whether autoscaling is enabled for the deployment. If not enabled, the replicaCount value is used to set the number of replicas. |
false |
replicaCount |
The number of replicas to create for the deployment | 1 |
podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to the pod | {} |
podLabels |
Labels to add to the pod | {} |
imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets for the Docker registry | [] |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the service account to use for the deployment | "" |
podSecurityContext |
Security context for the pod | {} |
securityContext |
Security context for the container | {} |
image.repository |
The Docker image repository | gatewaydio/gatewayd |
image.tag |
The Docker image tag. If not set, the app version from the chart is used | "" |
image.pullPolicy |
The image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
resources |
Resource requests and limits for the container | {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}} |
gatewaydPluginsConfig.enabled |
Determines whether the gatewayd_plugins.yaml ConfigMap is mounted to the container. If enabled, a volume and volumeMount are added to the deployment. |
false |
gatewaydConfig.enabled |
Determines whether the gatewayd.yaml ConfigMap is mounted to the container. If enabled, a volume and volumeMount are added to the deployment. |
false |
nodeSelector |
Node selector for the pod | {} |
affinity |
Affinity for the pod | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for the pod | [] |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
service.port |
The port that the service listens on | 15432 |
ingress.enabled |
Determines whether an Ingress resource should be created | false |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
gatewayd.fullname |
The full name of the deployment, used as part of the Ingress resource name | |
service.port |
The port that the service listens on, used as the service port in the Ingress rules | |
ingress.className |
The Ingress class to assign to the Ingress resource. This is only used for Kubernetes versions less than 1.18. | |
ingress.annotations |
Annotations to add to the Ingress resource. If ingress.className is set and the Kubernetes version is less than 1.18, the annotation is added with the value of ingress.className . |
{} |
Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion |
The Kubernetes version running in the cluster. This is used to determine the API version of the Ingress resource to create. |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
gatewayd.fullname |
The full name of the deployment, used as the target of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. | |
autoscaling.minReplicas |
The minimum number of replicas that the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler should maintain | |
autoscaling.maxReplicas |
The maximum number of replicas that the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can scale out to | |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
The target percentage of CPU utilization across all replicas that the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler should maintain. If set, a CPU utilization metric is added to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. | |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
The target percentage of memory utilization across all replicas that the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler should maintain. If set, a memory utilization metric is added to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
serviceAccount.create |
Determines whether a ServiceAccount should be created | |
gatewayd.serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount. This is used as the name of the ServiceAccount resource. | |
gatewayd.labels |
The labels to apply to the ServiceAccount. | |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount. | |
serviceAccount.automount |
Determines whether the ServiceAccount token should be automatically mounted to the pods. This is set as the automountServiceAccountToken field in the ServiceAccount resource. |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable |
Specifies the minimum number of pods from the set that must still be available after the eviction, even in the absence of the evicted pod. | 1 |
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable |
Specifies the maximum number of pods from the set that can be unavailable after the eviction. It can be either an absolute number or a percentage. |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
gatewayd.fullname |
The full name of the deployment, used as the name of the ConfigMap. | |
.Release.Name |
The release name, used as part of the ConfigMap name. | |
files/gatewayd_plugins.yaml |
The content of the gatewayd_plugins.yaml file. This is set as the gatewayd_plugins.yaml data in the ConfigMap. |
files/gatewayd.yaml |
The content of the gatewayd.yaml file. This is set as the gatewayd.yaml data in the ConfigMap. |
Modify the values.yaml file to customize the deployment according to your requirements. You can override any default values as needed. Please refer to GatewayD documentation for more information.
We welcome contributions from everyone. Just open an issue or send us a pull request.
GatewayD Helm Charts is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.