This currently compares:
- The protobuf provided
- HubSpot Jackson datatype protobuf module
- A custom implementation using Jackson streaming and hardcoded field mapping (i.e. something that could be code-generated).
- A custom implementation using Jackson streaming and the protobuf reflection API
On an arbitrary test message, a Macbook M1 Max w/16 benchmark threads:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ProtoJsonBenchmark.benchJsonFormat thrpt 3 4207.261 ± 200.966 ops/ms
ProtoJsonBenchmark.benchHubspotJackson thrpt 3 2493.098 ± 957.209 ops/ms
ProtoJsonBenchmark.benchJacksonStreaming thrpt 3 14810.663 ± 2176.974 ops/ms
ProtoJsonBenchmark.benchJacksonStreamingDynamic thrpt 3 10764.557 ± 2604.497 ops/ms