These are unofficial Ansible modules for managing OpenStack, which you may find useful until the official Ansible modules are implemented.
These will eventually be a dependency of the openstack-ansible repo for doing a test deployment of OpenStack into virtual machines managed by vagrant.
To use this, add this directory to to the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable, or symlink this diretory to ./library relative to the playbook that uses it.
Initialize the keystone database:
keystone_manage: action=db_sync
This is the equivalent of:
# keystone-manage db_sync
Manage users, tenants, and roles
Create a tenant
keystone_user: token=$admin_token tenant=demo tenant_description="Default Tenant"
Create a user
keystone_user: token=$admin_token user=admin tenant=demo password=secrete
Create and apply a role:
keystone_user: token=$admin_token role=admin user=admin tenant=demo
Manage services and endpoints
keystone_service: token=$admin_token name=keystone type=identity desecription="Identity Service" public_url="" internal_url="" admin_url=""
You can use url
as an alias for public_url
. If you don't specify internal and admin urls, they will default to the same value of public url. For example:
keystone_service: token=$admin_token name=nova type=compute description="Compute Service" url=
Initialize the glance database:
glance_manage: action=db_sync
This is the (idempotent) equivalent of:
# glance-manage version_control 0
# glance-manage db_sync
Add images
glance: name=cirros file=/tmp/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img disk_format=qcow2 is_public=true user=admin tenant=demo password=secrete region=RegionOne auth_url=
- Disabled tenants
- Deleting users
- Deleting roles
- Deleting services
- Deleting endpoints
- Deleting images
- Updating tenants
- Updating users
- Updating services
- Updating endpoints
- Multiple endpoints per service
- Updating images
- Non-unique names for tenants, users, roles, services and images.