COMMANDS bundle exec rspec
here are the test path
test for api
streamer.rb (lib/elevatorMedia/streamer.rb)
streamer_spec (spec/lib/elevatorMedia/streamer_spec.rb)
test for controller
leads_spec.rb (spec/controllers/leads_spec.rb)
quotes_spec.rb (spec/controllers/quotes_spec.rb)
This repository contain the Ruby on Rails with MySQL Web framework for the Rocket Elevator Digital Presence Plan.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Step 1: When first installing the repo, you'll need to add in the main directory a file named: appsettings.json that will contains the information of the MySQL database you'll be using.
Step 2: Once this is done you'll need to run the following command in your terminal/console:
cd /"installation folder"
bundle install
sudo service mysql start
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Step 3: Now you can test it on your local machine by going to http://localhost:5001
Step 4: Once you are there, you can use any API request you want in the following list.
This a list of the API requests you can use for Rocket Elevators
For elevators:
GET - Return a list of all the elevators
GET"id" - Return the information about a specific elevator, research by elevator id
PUT"id" - Once in there you need to send the result of a GET by Id request, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V in JSON format, then change the status with an available status.
"id": 1,
"column_id": 0,
"status": "Inactive"
Modify it to:
"id": 1,
"column_id": 0,
"status": "Active"
And then send the PUT request.
For Batteries:
GET - Return a list of all the batteries
GET"id" - Return the information about a specific batteries
PUT"id" - To do a put request you need to send a JSON querry with a modified status. Like the example above. Except with battery informations, so just to be clear, do a GET battery/id to get the informations, copy/paste it in your PUT request and change the status
For Building:
GET - Return a list of buildings that need some intervention, either on batteries, columns or elevators.
For Columns:
GET - Return a list of all the columns
GET"id" - Return the information about a specific column
PUT"id" - To do a put request you need to send a JSON querry with a modified status. Like the example above. Except with columns informations, so just to be clear, do a GET column/id to get the informations, copy/paste it in your PUT request and change the status
For Leads:
GET - Return a list of all the leads that were sent in the last 30 days that are not a customer yet
First Name | Last Name | Title | Password | |
Philippe | Bouillon | Comm Rep | [email protected] | 1234 |
Felix-Antoine | Paradis | Engineer | [email protected] | 1234 |
Remi | Gagnon | Engineer | [email protected] | 1234 |
Mathieu | LeFrançois | Engineer | [email protected] | 1234 |
Mathieu | Houde | Engineer | [email protected] | 1234 |
Serge | Savoie | Engineer | [email protected] | 1234 |
Nadya | Fortier | Director | [email protected] | 1234 |
- Ruby - Open source language
- Rails - Web framework
- MySQL - Open source database
- C# - Language used for the Web API
- Visual Studio Community - IDE
- Visual Studio Code - Open source IDE
- Samuel Asselin - PostgreSQL
- Gabriel Chevanel - GRAPHQL
- Airton Negromonte - RESTful API
- Oivier Denis - RESTful API
- Jérémy Lefevbre - Good recovery Jeremy!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- CodeBoxx school