Files for geometry task. Below is a brief overview of the organization and contents of this repository. More specific documentation can be found in each of the subfolders.
Over the course of training, I've created two substantially different versions of the task. geometry_v2 is close to the task we've discussed in project proposals, but geometry_v1 might come in handy for training new animals (due to greater control over the number of stimuli and the contrast of targets, which can be adjusted in real-time while the animal trains).
Fractals contains many fractals I've generated, as well as the python code to generate new stimuli. I have gotten in the habit of taking new fractals out of the unused pool, and moving copies of the old fractals (with filenames unchanged) into the used_stimuli folder.
Grants contains matrials I prepared for grant submissions.
- The NRSA folder contains Microsoft Word and PDF files of my F31 submission in Dec. 2020, reviewer comments to that submission, and the resubmission from Dec. 2021. There is also a file behavior_figures.m that contains the analyses and scripts to generate figures for the 2021 resubmission.
- The folder U19 contains all the data, analyses, and figures I completed for Daniel's U19 submission in Nov. 2021 (including human data from the mturk experiments).
human_abstraction_task contains all the relevant task files and media to run the human analog of the task. Data and analyses can be found in Grants --> U19 --> Human Data.
Presentations contains a powerpoint presentation I created for the Salzman/Fusi/Kiani joint lab meeting, as part of their Simons Foundation collaboration.
Random_Files contains old figures and an experimental task using a color-matching paradigm. It can be safely ignored.
All behavioral data is on the computer named "silvia_ML", and is backed up automatically on the lab server and in my Columbia Google Drive.