This repository consists of QGIS project from mapping NatureTypes using NiN version 2.2 at Eiker (Buskerud; now Drammen and Øvre Eiker in the Viken municipality).
The zipped QGIS project file Eiker_MiS_NiN_e1.0.qgz is located in the main folder. The subfolders consist of shapefiles and other structure files.
- Subfolder shp_grlg includes the background vector data and contourlines from the FKB database (©Statens kartverk).
- Subfolder shp_nin holds the wall-to-wall NiN maps at two mapping scales 1:5000 (layer KE) and 1:10 000 (layer TS).
- Subfolder shp_mis holds the files of "Milgjøkartlegging i Skog".
- Tables and symbologies are contained in the respective folders.
The report which describes the mapping in detail is available through the Report Series of the Natural History Museum at UiO