Library of various things to do with Malawi that one may run into when programming.
TODO: Provide a better description!!!
If using pip do:
pip install git+
If using poetry, add the following
under [tool.poetry.dependencies]
in pyproject.toml:
mw_commons = { git = "" }
Then run:
poetry install
The following is a basic overview of what you can do with the library. For more details please browse the documentation here.
>>> from mw_commons import phone_numbers
>>> phone_numbers.is_valid_phone_number('0888800900')
>>> phone_number = phone_numbers.PhoneNumber('0888800900')
>>> phone_number.to_internationalized(humanize=True)
Fork this repository
Install poetry
Setup dependencies:
poetry install
Make changes
Run tests
poetry run python -m unittest discover tests/
Commit and push then make a pull request