A huge collection of Drum Machines for SuperDirt and Tidal
See the full list of drum machines here.
// install this repository
// add this to your superdirt startup
~drumMachinesDir = Quarks.all.detect({ |x| x.name == "tidal-drum-machines" }).localPath;
~nameFunc = { |x| x.basename.replace("-","")};
~dirt.loadSoundFiles(~drumMachinesDir +/+ "machines" +/+ "*" +/+ "*", namingFunction: ~nameFunc);
// Windows Users can use this line instead: (~drumMachinesDir +/+ "machines" +/+ "*").pathMatch.do({ |x| ~dirt.loadSoundFiles(x +/+ "*", namingFunction: ~nameFunc) });
// test in sclang
(type:\dirt, s: \rolandtr909cr, n: 0).play;
Thanks Julian for the installation script!
Run the custom SuperCollider bootup found in tdm-sc-boot.scd, or add the necessary parts to your own bootup. Then run the haskell/tidal code found in tdm-hs-setup.tidal, or just copy and paste it from here:
let drumMachine name ps = stack
(map (\ x ->
(# s (name ++| (extractS "s" (x)))) $ x
) ps)
drumFrom name drum = s (name ++| drum)
drumM = drumMachine
drumF = drumFrom
Here are some examples of how to use the drum machines:
d1 $ drumMachine "bossdr220" [
s "[~perc]*2" # note 7
,s "bd:4(3,8)"
,s "~[cp,sd]"
,s "hh*8"
The drum machine can be pattern'd:
d1 $ drumMachine "<bossdr220 rolandtr808>" [
s "[~perc]*2" # note 7
,s "bd:4(3,8)"
,s "~[cp,sd]"
,s "hh*8"
You can also just call one percussive element:
d1 $ drumFrom "linn9000" "bd*2"
This method could be useful for live performance:
let dm = "linn9000"
d1 $ drumFrom dm "bd*2"
Drum | Abbreviation |
Bass drum, Kick drum | bd |
Snare drum | sd |
Rimshot | rim |
Clap | cp |
Closed hi-hat | hh |
Open hi-hat | oh |
Crash | cr |
Ride | rd |
Shakers (and maracas, cabasas, etc) | sh |
High tom | ht |
Medium tom | mt |
Low tom | lt |
Cowbell | cb |
Tambourine | tb |
Other percussions | perc |
Miscellaneous samples | misc |
Effects | fx |