Rima is a tool for formulating and solving mathematical modelling and optimization problems. Rima's primary design goal is that models should be easy to re-use.
Rima allows you to build models flexibly and interact with your data freely, allowing you to focus on the problem at hand and obtain solutions more quickly.
In a hurry? Have a look at a Rima model, or read the installation instructions.
If you:
- wish your modelling language had stronger support for general programming features (functions, data structures, more than one model...)
- really like your optimization package for a mainstream language but miss defining your model symbolically
- wish your purpose-designed modelling language wouldn't make you to treat your data like FORTRAN 66 arrays
- wonder why your optimization package for a modern, dynamic language still makes you treat your data like FORTRAN 66 arrays
- find that your modelling system imposes too many dependencies between equations and data
- just wish you could write a model and then make a subclass of it, or use it as part of another model
Then Rima might be for you. With Rima you can:
- specify your model symbolically
- define your model before any data, and define your data for as many instances of your model as you like after the model is defined
- compose models from parts in the manner that suits you
- work with your data in the structures that you wish to use
- access all the features of Lua, a fast, small, widely deployed scripting language that's easy to both embed and extend
Rima binds to well-known optimisation packages to solve problems. Currently bindings are available for:
- Coin CLP for linear problems
- Coin CBC for mixed-integer linear problems
- lpsolve for mixed-integer linear problems
- Coin IPOPT for nonlinear problems
If Rima has got your attention, you could have a look at a Rima model, read the Rima user guide (including example models), starting with how to build expressions. You could also read the installation instructions.
Rima is developed by Incremental. You can contact us at [email protected]. Rima is available under the MIT Licence.