This project is used to execute multiple experiments to compare Spark vs MapReduce. Before creating a one-JAR with all dependencies, make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- Maven
- Java JDK 11
Then, run the following script:
$ bash scripts/
Afterwards, it will create a target
folder, which holds the one-JAR with all dependencies.
To run the JAR, use the following command:
$ java -jar Testbed-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [options]
Where [options]
are the following:
usage: java -jar Testbed-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [options]
-f,--framework-name <arg> Data Processing Framework's name.
Available options are:
[MapReduce, Spark]
-i,--instrumented If this flag is present, the
Testbed will use the instrumented
invocations. Without this flag,
the Testbed will use the
invocations required to measure
-l,--local If the flag is present, the
Testbed uses the local
environment for the frameworks.
Without this flag, the Testbed
uses the cluster environment
-o,--output <arg> Output file path
-p,--pipeline <arg> Pipeline file path
-s,--sheet-name <arg> Sheet name in output file path
-t,--tolerable-error-percentage <arg> Tolerable error percentage.
Default value is: 5.0
This section is extracted from usage, which can always be displayed when invoking the java JAR with no options, as follows:
$ java -jar Testbed-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The pipeline refers to a JSON file with the following aspect:
"operation": "LOAD",
"outputTag": "dataset1",
"datasetDirectoryPath": "input/Ad_click_on_taobao_10000"
"operation": "SELECT",
"inputTag": "dataset1",
"outputTag": "selectedDataset1",
"rowsSelectivityFactor": 0.005,
"columnName": "DateTime"
An example of invocation with inputParameters is the following:
$ java -jar Testbed-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
--tolerable-error-percentage 5.0 \
--framework-name MapReduce \
--instrumented \
--pipeline pipelines/pipeline.json \
--output output/operation_instrumentations.xlsx \
--sheet-name Dataset_5% \
To execute experiments, we have created the script scripts/
This script executes each experiment for Spark and MapReduce 3 times and an additional time to instrument the execution.
The individual output of each experiment gets aggregated into a single output file.
To execute this script, use the following command:
$ bash scripts/
For more information, check the dissertation associated to this project.