An OpenAPI specification for Woocommerce API, which should allow you to generate clients in almost any programming language.
The OpenAPI specification is based on the OpenAPI-specification generated using the Wordpress plugin document-generator-for-openapi with some modifications. For more details and background see this blog-posting.
You should be to use OpenAPI document to generate a client for your favorite programming language, assuming there's a generator available. Also you can load the document in a OpenAPI editor, for example the online swagger-editor. Download the openapi document and try it out. For scala-akka, a generated library is included, see below for usage.
A Woocommerce-scala-client library is created and published under sonatype, currently as yet as snapshot version. To use, first add the sonatype s01 repository if not already done so to your build.sbt:
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS S01 Snapshots" at ""
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS S01 Snapshots" at ""
Then you can add the library as dependency:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "woocommerce-scala-akka-client" % "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
And you can use the library as follows:
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Woocommerce-Akka-Example")
implicit val ec = system.getDispatcher
val invoker = ApiInvoker()
// Wordpress user and password. Tip:
// at very least app generated password instead of your default username or password, and preferably a seperated account
implicit val basicAuth = BasicCredentials(sys.env("WORDPRESS_USER"), sys.env("WORDPRESS_PASSWORD"))
// Using the generated api to get a list of products
val wcApi = DefaultApi("")
// Constructing a get request to retrieve a few products
val productsGet = wcApi.productsGet(exclude=Seq.empty, include=Seq.empty, parent=Seq.empty,parentExclude=Seq.empty, page=Some(2) )
val fResult = invoker.execute(productsGet)
val products = Await.result(fResult, 15.seconds)
println( => s"Product ${"")} with barcode ${p.sku.getOrElse("unknown")} for ${p.price.getOrElse("unknown")}").mkString("\n"))
You can use any tool or library to generate use the openapi-specification, for convenience I've added an example sbt project that should allow you to generate any client as sbt.
For example the command below will (re)generate the scala-akka code
sbt generateClient scala-akka