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Elevation App

Project Setup Notes

This project was created via npm create vite@latest . -- --template react-ts

Recommended IDE

The recommended IDE for this project is Visual Studio Code.

Version Control

IMPORTANT: Only commit Unix-style line endings!!!

During the installation of git select

Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings

or configure it later via

git config --global core.autocrlf input

if git is already installed.

If you develop within a Dev Container using the provided Dev Container config, then this step is unnecessary because the Dev Container automatically sets this configuration when it starts.


You don't need to install the following dependencies on your local system when working within a Dev Container. All necessary dependencies will be automatically installed when the Dev Container is started, as long as you have Docker Desktop set up.

If you already have the following dependencies installed, then you can start using the App without a Dev Container. However, it is highly recommended to use the Dev Container for various reasons, such as isolation, cross-platform compatibility, and serving as a source of trust in case of conflicts.

$ node --version

$ pnpm --version

When using the provided Dev Container, the following tools must be installed on your machine.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Docker Desktop
  • The ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers extension for Visual Studio Code

Package management

The Dockerfile is configured to enforce the use of pnpm by default. As a result, npm commands are not available to execute within the Dev Container. This configuration ensures that you cannot accidentally execute a mixture of pnpm and npm commands, which could lead to undesired behavior.

To avoid any issues, if you do not use the Dev Container, ensure that you consistently use pnpm commands. Accidental usage of a mixture of pnpm and npm commands could lead to unexpected behavior.

If you prefer not to use Dev Containers and choose to configure your system to avoid accidentally executing a mixture of pnpm and npm commands, you may do so at your own discretion. However, this approach is not recommended.


When using Dev Containers

All operating systems

The following steps are optional, but necessary if you want to perform GPG-signed commits and enable HTTPS traffic.

  1. Create the following Docker named volumes within Docker
docker volume create gpg_files
docker volume create ca_certificates
  1. Copy rootCA.crt into the ca_certificates Docker volume to enable encrypted communication (HTTPS) with GitLab (e.g., for performing a git push). The path to the ca_certificates on Windows is \\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data\data\docker\volumes\ca_certificates\_data.

  2. Copy your encrypted gpg secret key into your local WSL 2 instance and import it into gpg, or alternatively, generate a new key. Then copy the key into the gpg_files Docker volume, naming it encrypted_secreet_gpg_key.asc. The path to the gpg_files on Windows is \\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data\data\docker\volumes\gpg_files\_data. This is required to perform signed commits within the Dev Container, as there is currently no better working method.

The postStartCommand within .devcontainer/devcontainer.json handles the remaining setup to ensure everything works smoothly.

Upon starting the Dev Container, you'll be prompted to enter the password for the encrypted GPG key. This is necessary because GPG within the container needs to import the key.

Please also review and follow the OS-specific requirements below.


If you're using Windows, it's highly recommended to run the Dev Container within a WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) distribution. This approach helps avoid performance issues and resolves hot reloading problems with Cypress when working with Dev Containers on Windows.

Additionally, running the Dev Container in WSL 2 offers better isolation and significantly improved performance for tools like pnpm. For the best experience, WSL 2 is the preferred environment.

When working within WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), it's important to avoid using /mnt/... paths for your project. Instead, place your project directory within the ~ (home) directory or a subdirectory of the ~ (home) directory. Hot reloading and other features may not work correctly if your project is located in the /mnt/... path.

Here’s an example of how to move your project folder into WSL:

# Create necessary directories
mkdir -p ~/playground/data-science-service-gmbh

# Copy the folder from Windows to WSL
sudo cp -r /mnt/c/Home/playground/data-science-service-gmbh/elevation-app ~/playground/data-science-service-gmbh

# Change ownership of the copied folder to the current user
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) ~/playground/data-science-service-gmbh/elevation-app

# Remove the potentially already existing node_modules folder
sudo rm -rf ~/playground/data-science-service-gmbh/elevation-app/node_modules

# Open the project in Visual Studio Code
code ~/playground/data-science-service-gmbh/elevation-app

Also don't forget to check the following setting within Settings > Resources > WSL Integration > Ubuntu in Docker Desltop, in order to enable Docker within you WSL Distro. Otherwise docker will not work within WSL.

Launch Instructions

Start via Dev Container (highly recommended)

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to avoid opening the project directly on Windows within a Dev Container. Instead, use WSL. This is because the behavior of hardlinks created by pnpm is not fully understood when pnpm is not aware of the bind mount of the Dev Container, which could lead to potential issues.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Start the Dev Container
Ctrl + P
> Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container
  1. Execute pnpm run dev

Start via Docker

docker build --target development .
docker run -it --rm -p 5173:5173 <id>
pnpm run dev -- --host

End-to-End (E2E) Tests


Cypress is used for end-to-end (E2E) testing.

Please note, hot reloading with Cypress is only supported in WSL2 on Windows. Therefore, it is recommended to use WSL.

I you prefer to use other network topologies then the ones used below, go for it, there are multiple way to do these things from a network perspective.

Run E2E Tests locally

Running the tests as well as the app witihn the Dev Container

Generally this will be the approach you will use most often during development.

  1. Open two bash terminals within Visual Studio Code wich is running the Dev Container
  2. First terminal: pnpm run dev
  3. Specify REMOTE_URL="localhost" within .env.e2e-test.local
  4. Specify PORT="5173" within .env.e2e-test.local
  5. Second terminal: Run the E2E test via pnpm run test:e2e or pnpm run cy:open

Running the tests from within the Dev Container against the App running in a Docker container

Test against development build

This approach may not be frequently used, but it's important to document it for future reference

  1. WSL terminal: docker build --target development -t elevation-app .
  2. WSL terminal: docker run -it --rm -p 5173:5173 <image-id>
  3. WSL terminal: Execute pnpm run dev --host within the Docker Container
  4. Specify REMOTE_URL="<network-ip>" within .env.e2e-test.local. For <network-ip> use the Network IP address which Vite does show at step 3. For example: REMOTE_URL=""
  5. Specify PORT="5173" within .env.e2e-test.local
  6. Dev Container bash terminal: Run the E2E test via pnpm run test:e2e or pnpm run cy:open
Test again production build

This can be helpful for debugging why tests are failing in the CI/CD pipeline on the production branch.

  1. First WSL terminal: docker build --target production -t elevation-app .
  2. First WSL terminal: docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 <image-id>
  3. Second WSL terminal: docker ps
  4. Second WSL terminal: docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' <container_id_or_name>
  5. Specify REMOTE_URL="<network-ip>" within .env.e2e-test.local. For <network-ip> use the Network IP address from the last step.
  6. Specify PORT="80" within .env.e2e-test.local
  7. Dev Container bash terminal: Run the E2E test via pnpm run test:e2e or pnpm run cy:open

Running the tests from within one Docker container against the App running in another Docker container, similar to a CI/CD pipeline.

Using custom networks
Development build

This approach may not be frequently used, but it's important to document it for future reference

  1. Open two WSL terminals and cd into the root of the project in both terminals.
  2. First WSL terminal: docker network create elevation-app-network
  3. First WSL terminal: docker build --target development -t elevation-app .
  4. Specify REMOTE_URL="elevation-app-server" within .env.e2e-test.local
  5. Specify PORT="5173" within .env.e2e-test.local
  6. Second WSL terminal: docker build --target development -t elevation-app-e2e-test .
  7. First WSL terminal: docker run -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network --name=elevation-app-server <image-id-from-step-2> pnpm run dev --host Note: In CI/CD this has to be detached, but in development it makes sense to be able to see output.
  8. Second WSL terminal: docker run -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network <image-id-from-step-4> pnpm run test:e2e

To access the server via your browser, you will need to configure a port mapping.

docker run -p 5173:5173 -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network --name=elevation-app-server <image-id-from-step-2> pnpm run dev --host
Production build

This might be uselful to debug something locally exactly as it happens in CI/CD production branch.

  1. Open two WSL terminals and cd into the root of the project in both terminals.
  2. First WSL terminal: docker network create elevation-app-network
  3. First WSL terminal: docker build --target production -t elevation-app .
  4. Specify REMOTE_URL="elevation-app-server" within .env.e2e-test.local
  5. Specify PORT="80" within .env.e2e-test.local
  6. Second WSL terminal: docker build --target development -t elevation-app-e2e-test .
  7. First WSL terminal: docker run -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network --name=elevation-app-server <image-id-from-step-2>. Note: In CI/CD this has to be detached, but in development it makes sense to be able to see output.
  8. Second WSL terminal: docker run -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network <image-id-from-step-4> pnpm run test:e2e

To access the server via your browser, you will need to configure the following port mapping.

docker run -p 80:80 -t --rm --network=elevation-app-network --name=elevation-app-server <image-id-from-step-2>


For some reason (possibly a bug), the snapshots for the E2E tests need to be updated separately for the cy:open and test:e2e npm scripts. That is why I introduced two npm scripts to udpate the snapshots (cy:open:update:snapshots and test:e2e:update:snapshots).


To debug your application, utilize the launch configurations provided in the .vscode/launch.json file. These configurations are pre-set to help you start debugging efficiently within your development environment.

Legal disclaimer

Please note that I do not take any responsibility for any damage caused by executing these instructions or any code provided here. You are solely responsible for any potential damage. By executing anything from here, you agree to these terms.


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