Omni for Emacs
Dark theme for Emacs
All instructions can be found at
Omni has supports for many packages, including the following:
- ace-window
- anzu
- avy
- centaur-tabs
- clojure-mode
- company-mode
- diff-hl
- ediff
- elfeed
- erc
- eshell
- flycheck
- helm
- hydra
- ido
- ivy
- jabber.el
- js2-mode
- ledger
- linum
- magit
- markup-face
- notmuch
- orgmode
- powerline
- show-paren
- visible-mark
- web-mode
- wgrep
- whitespace-mode
This theme is maintained by the following person(s) and a bunch of awesome contributors.
![]() |
Matheus Pessanha |