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Template Guidelines

Arni Magnusson edited this page May 14, 2021 · 8 revisions

1 Model name

Acronym and full name.

2 Description

Briefly describe the model.

3 Data needs

Input data that are used for this model in GFCM assessments.

4 Outputs

Output from this model in GFCM assessments: time series, reference points, etc.

5 Pros and cons

What are the pros and cons of using this model, with respect to the strengths and limitations identified by experts in the context of GFCM technical meetings.

6 Remarks

For example, is the use of this model being phased out in GFCM assessments?

7 Species and GSA

Species and GSA that this model has been used to assess within GFCM.

8 References

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