- Netherlands
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerke/
A quick and ugly tool to converrt from FetchXml to SQL
ggeurts / nantcontrib
Forked from nant/nantcontribNAntContrib is the project for tasks and tools that haven't made it into the main NAnt distribution yet or for whatever reason don't belong there.
ggeurts / nant
Forked from nant/nantNAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles.
ggeurts / common-logging
Forked from net-commons/common-loggingA portable logging abstraction for .NET
ggeurts / nhibernate-core
Forked from nhibernate/nhibernate-coreNHibernate Object Relational Mapper