This project showcases the implementation of a comprehensive web application that includes features for rendezvous and time management, as well as a complete complaint management system. The project utilizes the power of Angular for the frontend and Node.js for the backend.
The project aims to provide a user-friendly platform for managing appointments, scheduling meetings, and tracking time effectively. Additionally, it includes a robust complaint management system that allows users to submit and track their complaints, ensuring timely resolution.
Before getting started, ensure that you have the following software installed on your system:
- Node.js: Visit Node.js and download the latest LTS version for your operating system.
Clone the project repository to your local machine: git clone <repository_url>
Navigate to the project directory: cd <project_directory>
Install the project dependencies: npm install
To run the application, follow these steps:
Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.
Start the Angular frontend development server: ng serve
Open another terminal window/tab and navigate to the project directory.
Start the Node.js backend server: node server.js
Access the application in your web browser: http://localhost:4200