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Ghet edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 7 revisions

Calendar documentation

Calendar message will display an event show some metadata and enlisted players.



All metadata use the same formatting :

  • underline means the requirement are not srictly met: not enough or too much players.
  • italic means we are below requirement: not enough player.
  • bold means we have reached requirement or even exceed it: we have enough player, maybe too much.

So for a metadata to be valid it must be bold and only bold.

Metadatas :

  • Setup required lineup setup for this event in the form of nbTank-nbHeal-NbDPS. ex: 2-4-14 meaning this events requires 2 tanks, 4 healers and 14 dps.
  • Present number of player attending the event.
  • Missing number of player missing to reach setup requirement.


Be aware that reactions on this message are used as buttons. Your reaction will automatically and instantly be removed, only the action of pressing the reaction matters.

Set you status by using the according button :

  • 👍 Present
  • 👎 Absent
  • ⏲ Late
  • 🛋 Benchable, meaning you can be there but not in a gread mood to raid.

A way for you to set your desired spec will be added soon.



A roster message must have been created for you to be able to create calendar events.

!event _datetime_ _description_? _roster_? _iconUrl_?

parameter required description
_datetime_ required Date and time of the event.
    It's a number chain wih no separator and it can be :
    • 2 numbers to set a day on the current month day, time will be default (20h45).
      ex: 01, 15.
    • 4 numbers to set day and month of the event, time will be default (20h45).
      ex: 0112 for December 1 at 20h45.
    • 6 numbers to set day, month and hour, minute will be set to 0.
      ex: 140920 for September 14 at 20h00.
    • 8 numbers to set day, month, hour and minute.
      ex: 25032102 for March 25 at 21h02.
    Year will be guessed based on month.
_description_ optional set the event description.
Can use markdown format.
Must be surrounded by "" if it contains space.
_roster_ optional Roster name or default to set roster linked to the event.
_iconUrl_ optional Icon url to display or a number between 0 and 4 for predefined ones :



In order to edit an event click the 🛠️ button, you must have send message privilege on the channel. You'll then receive a DM with the list of commands available. You can type any number of commands you want to apply changes. For each succesful command you'll get a preview of the event with the changes. Changes on the channel message will only be updated once the edit session ends. The edit seesion will terminate automatically after an inactivity of 30s of if you type the exit command fu.


set user1 user2 ... status? benchable?
Set player's status. Player can be designed by name or id.
Player reffered by name does not need to be complete, a partial name is enough but if it matches several players only the first one in alphabetical order will be set. Player's name can match either the display name on the server or discord username.
You can set one or several player with the same status (present/absent/late/bench). 'status' and 'benchable' are optional and are by default: present and non-benchable.

  • set nekros reck absent
  • set era wak absent benchable
  • set bamleprètre
  • set essa benchable
  • set 256696214754874677 present

date jjmm
set the day and month of the event.

time hhmm
set hour and minutes of the event'

desc new description
Set the new description. Can use Markdown to format text but multiline is not supported yet.

status _status_ Change the event status. _status_ must be one of open, closed, validated or error.



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