Daycula is a dark, vivid and calming colorscheme for Vim, with ports for other code editor and terminal coming soon
This colorscheme works best with vim-polyglot, please install it first
Also, make sure your terminal supports true colors as this colorscheme only supports that
- Numerous filetypes and plugins support
- Many customization option
- Support for italic fonts
Here i'm using vim-plug
Plug 'ghifarit53/daycula-vim' , {'branch' : 'main'}
you need to specify the branch name (in this case,{'branch' : 'main'}
) as i'm not using master
(the original name) for my default branch name
after installed, add this to your vimrc
or init.vim
set termguicolors
colorscheme daycula
Daycula supports lightline.vim and airline.vim plugins. See below configuration to make those plugin use daycula
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme' : 'daycula'}
let g:airline_theme = "daycula"
Transparency (see issue #8)
Set to 1 to enable transparency. Set to 0 to disable it
Set to eiher 'red'
, or 'blue'
to change the colors
of Pmenusel
and WildMenu
By default, it sets to 0 which will enable italic comments. Set to 1 to disable italic comments
Set to 1 to enable italic for certain keywords. Set to 0 to disable it
To change the cursor color, set it to either
, 'red'
, 'green'
, or 'blue'
Some plugins can highlight the word under current cursor (for example neoclide/coc-highlight)
Set it to either 'bold'
, 'underline'
, 'italic'
, or 'grey background'
Available terminal port of this colorscheme (see ports)
- Alacritty
- iTerm2
- Kitty
- Xresources
You can also make your own port if it's not there. If you do, please make a PR with your port added to the list
- @sainnhe (used their colorscheme as the base)
- @tessarin (documentation in vim's help format)
- @12-Seconds (iTerm2 port)
- @claytod5 (Windows terminal port)
MIT © Muh. Ghifari Taqiuddin