R package that classifies using probabilistic neural networks and evaluate the results.
It is responsible for standardizing a set of data.
- set: Data set. (Required).
- type: standardization type (Not required. Default value: "punctual". Valid values: "punctual" - "scale").
⋅⋅⋅ standardized set.
Basic usage
testData <- standardize(testData)
For classification by minimum and maximum
testData <- standardize(testData, type = "scale")
It is responsible for executing the prediction of the probabilistic neural network.
- train_set: Training set. (Required).
- test_set: Testing set. (Required).
- category_column: Category column (Not required. Default value: 1).
- sigma: Optimum value for the activation function of the neural network. (Not required).
⋅⋅⋅ pnn trained with the classified testing set and network performance statistics.
data(trainData, testData)
# Basic usage.
pnn <- trainNeuralNet(train_set = trainData, test_set = testData)
# If you know the approximate optimal value and the sorter column is not in the first position of the set.
pnn <- trainNeuralNet(train_set = trainData, test_set = testData, category_column = *sorter column*, sigma = *sigma value*)
Responsible of analyze the classification of the probabilistic neural network and generating the corresponding analysis graphs.
- pnn: Trained probabilistic neural network.(Required)
⋅⋅⋅ pnn with evaluated input and analysis charts.
data(trainData, testData)
pnn <- trainNeuralNet(train_set = trainData, test_set = testData, sigma = 0.5)
pnn <- evaluate(pnn)