A simple Vue application using Vite, JavaScript and Shaka Player
This project is intended as a basic example of how to integrate Shaka Player into a Vue application using Vite and JavaScript.
This project was inspired by shaka-player-vuejs, but uses a more modern tech stack with Shaka Player version 4 (instead of Shaka Player version 3), Vue 3 (instead of Vue 2) and Vite (instead of Vue CLI).
You can select from a list of 6 sample videos and watch the chosen video.
The manifest and image files of all sample videos used in this project are sourced from Wikimedia Commons. The original video manifests have been converted from WebM to MP4 format with FFmpeg, using this example command:
ffmpeg -i https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Coyote_Keeping_a_Watchful_Eye.webm -c:v libx264 -profile:v main -vf format=yuv420p -c:a aac -movflags +faststart -crf 30 public/videos/TgvHMDTQENg_manifest.mp4
The converted manifest and the image of each video are stored in the videos directory.
This project requires Node.js and npm to be installed locally.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start Vite dev server:
npm run dev
Produce application bundle:
npm run build
Preview the production build:
npm run preview
MIT © Gianantonio Pini