The live game can be accessed at:
Live WebGL Game
A short video of the demo game using this framework can be found at:
Demo Game Video
- app.js
- client.js
- clouds.js
- config.js
- core.js
- engine.js
- entities.js
- game.js
- images/
- lib/
- main.js
- obj/
- package.json
- routes/
- stylesheets
- timer.js
- views/
- world.js
This is the server file that handles all the incoming and outgoing traffic between the clients and server.
This is the client file responsible for all the setup work when each client connects, as well as any actions that initiate on the client side.
This is the config that sets some globals to make sure they are consistent across all clients and the server.
This contains the base objects reused many times in the game.
This runs the core logic of the game, including the calculation of all interactions between players.
Driver file that calls all the necessary functions to run the game.
This stores the variables of the world in the game.
The following javascript packages are required for installation:
- jquery
- node.js
- three.js
- npm install
- node app
- Connect to port 3000
Currently using: THREE.js r58
The presentation is in HTML5 and thus requires reveal.js to be present as a sibling directory to this repository.