A writer of a subset of Python's pickle serialisation protocol in Clojure.
Include [pepinito "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]
in your project.clj if you're
using leiningen. Alternatively, add
if you're using maven.
Pickle a vector into a file:
(ns com.example.my
(require [pepinito.core :as pickle])
(import [java.io DataOutputStream FileOutputStream]))
(def out (DataOutputStream. (FileOutputStream. "some-file.pickle")))
(pickle/dump out [1 2 3])
or into a socket:
(ns com.example.my
(require [pepinito.core :as pickle])
(import [java.io DataOutputStream BufferedOutputStream]
[java.net Socket]))
(defn send [o]
(let [c (Socket. "localhost" 9999)
out (DataOutputStream. (BufferedOutputStream. (.getOutputStream c)))]
(pickle/dump out o)
(.close out)))
(send [1 2 3])
The following data structures can be pickled:
- Numbers, i.e. Integer, Float, Double, and Long
- Strings. Both short (len < 256) and long.
- Tuples, i.e. clojure.lang.PersistentVector
- Order preserving collections. Only lists are picklable for now though, i.e. clojure.lang.PersistentList.
Please fork and send pull-requests my way :)
lein midje
will run all tests.
lein midje namespace.*
will run only tests beginning with "namespace.".
lein midje :autotest
will run all the tests indefinitely. It sets up a
watcher on the code files. If they change, only the relevant tests will be
run again.